12 - beomgyu

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i woke up to y/n sitting y/n on the empty hospital bed, staring wide eyed at a note.

"uhh..y/n..everything okay??"

she quickly hid the note and nodded.

a couple of hours later, the doctor came in.

doctor:"kai's made it out of surgery. you can go visit him in recovery now." we all got up. i saw y/n put the note in her pocket and grab hueningkai's favorite plushie. i rolled my eyes.

y/n hasn't even known kai that long, and she's already babying him and acting like she's known him the longest.

from the way hueningkai talks about her, we can all tell he's completely obsessed with her. i don't trust y/n that much. seems sketchy. i'm very skeptical of the way she treats him.

the feelings surely can't be mutual. we don't know much about this girl. well, yeonjun does, but he doesn't like to talk about her infront of kai because he thinks it makes things weird. i followed the others to the recovery room.

y/n stood a few inches away from the bed and handed kai his plushie. he smiled at her longingly. i scoffed and sat down.

taehyun was perfect for her. kai just isn't. he doesn't get her the way taehyun does. he kicked her out for stupid reasons. taehyun is probably the sweetest person i know.

wait a minute!! if kai and yeonjun kicked y/n out.. she has nowhere to live!! this is taehyun's chance!!

i nudged taehyun.

"hey. y/n needs a place to stay. opportunities are available, dude!!" i whispered sharply. he shook his head.

taehyun:"i like her. but i can't take that away from kai." he pointed at the way he looked at her. taehyun's right. total chemistry. we can all tell.

"dude. he doesn't have the courage to ask her out anyway. just go for it!! i'm sure she'll say yes. she can't possibly be- interested in- that!!" i pointed to hueningkai. taehyun slapped me.

taehyun:"be nice!! kai is a good guy."

"yeah, well not as good as you." i muttered.

taegyu is back in business <3

taehyun scoffed.

taehyun:"stop making me blush, hyung."

i smiled. hueningkai laid back and fell asleep. y/n kissed his forehead. she got up and stood next to yeonjun.

y/n:"he needs his rest." she smiled at him sleeping. she danced around the room. yeonjun rolled his eyes.

yeonjun:"y/n. shut up and stop dancing. this is a hospital, not some dance floor. he's trying to get rest!!" he scolded. i laughed.

y/n kept on dancing. yeonjun chased after her.

y/n:"can't stop what you can't catch!!" she ran in circles. yeonjun finally caught up to her and picked her up. she giggled and smiled from ear to ear. he put her down and patted her head.

y/n:"yeonjun. i don't say this often. so cherish it. you may not be the nicest, funniest, coolest most perfect brother ever, or handso-"

yeonjun:"okay, okay, we get it!! get to the point."

y/n:"what i mean is.. despite all of those things, you're the best brother anyone could ever ask for." she hugged him. me, soobin, and taehyun exchanged eye contact, smiling.

we all had fun. kai woke up. but, little did y/n know, she had dropped the note on the floor while dancing. hueningkai picked it up and read it.


"where did you get this?"

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