20 - yeonjun

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we finally pulled up to me and y/n's house. we all got out of the car and went inside. y/n was still sobbing hysterically.

"what's wrong?? why are you so sad?"

y/n:"i made a mistake.. he.. he hates me.."

"who hates you?? i'll beat their ass." i threw my keys on a nearby counter.

y/n:"kai!! he hates me!" she kept sobbing and went up to what used to be her room.

taehyun:"geez, what happened?"

i shrugged. "she'll get over it."

taehyun:"we should help her."

"you can. i could care less if she's that miserable."

taehyun:"yeonjun.. i'm being serious."

"yeah and so am i." i snapped.

suddenly there was a faint, familiar knock at the door. i sigh and open the door.

kai:"yeonjun i-"

"she's upstairs."

kai:"okay thank you!"

he ran up the stairs frantically, stumbling over a few steps. i heard a door open and a lot of yelling. i just shook my head and walked over to the kitchen.

taehyun:"you aren't gonna do anything about this? kai and y/n are fighting!! you know how it'll end if this keeps going on."

"so what? it's boring. it always ends the same way. they hate eachother for like a week and then kai starts begging for forgiveness. it's all pathetic if you ask me. i dunno how y/n doesn't realize what she's done to him."

taehyun:"what has she done?"

"ever since he met her... he just... he hasn't been the same kai we used to know."

i grabbed a pot and started filling it with water.

taehyun:"how are you so chill about all this? you aren't gonna defend y/n?"

i shook my head and put the pot on the stove, turning the stove on.

beomgyu:"what are you making? i'm hungry."


beomgyu:"why pasta?"

"it's y/n and kai's favorite. so they'll remember what they DO have in common instead of what they don't."

taehyun:"ah, so you ARE trying to help."

"yeah, just in a lowkey way." i sat on the couch with soobin, letting the water boil. i heard more yelling upstairs, then a bang, then a big scream.

"what the fuck was that?!?!" i yelled.

kai:"nothing!!" i could hear y/n crying. i got the hint and ran upstairs.

soobin:"yeonjun where are you-"

i walked in the room to y/n on the floor next to a book. i turned to kai.

"why did you throw it at her??" i asked.


"the book. why did you throw it at her?!?!" i yelled.

kai:"i didn't!!"

"don't lie to me."

y/n:"he's telling the truth."

we both turned to look at her.


kai sighed.

kai:"the book fell off the desk next to her and it scared her."

i took her by the wrist to another room and shut the door.

"y/n.. did he.. did he hurt you??"

y/n:"no.. i'm fine.."

"did you get scared because of aaron?"

she raised her voice.

y/n:"aaron has nothing to do with this!! he's in the past!!"

she walked out the door and slammed it, going back to yelling at kai. i went back downstairs. "false alarm."

i continued making pasta, almost done.

7 minutes later

"guys!! dinner!!"

i could hear y/n and kai racing to be first to the table like they always do. but this time, they didn't sit next to eachother. they sat far from eachother.

we were all eating spaghetti in silence..

beomgyu:"so.. uh.. are you guys gonna make up?"

y/n:"we have nothing in common!!"

"not true. your favorite food is spaghetti."

"how did you know??" they yelled in unison.

"no, he meant me!!" they yelled in unison again.

soobin:"okay stop doing that. it's creeping me out!"

i laughed.

"told you!!"

kai shook his head and continued eating. y/n got up from the table without finishing her plate and went upstairs.

"hey!! excuse you!!"

i got up and yelled from the bottom of the stairs.

"i didn't say you were excused from the dinner table!!!!"

i could hear everyone laughing.

"get your ass down here or you owe me 20 bucks!!"

she ran downstairs and sat back down.

y/n:"kai, i just wanted to say i'm sorry."

we all looked at her.

y/n:"that you're alive!!"

kai:"oh you little.." he got up and started chasing her. he finally caught up and picked her up. he ran outside and threw her in our pool.

she screamed.

he jumped in after her.

kai:"that's what you get for arguing with me." they both laughed and hugged eachother.

"what did i say? they're best friends. they'll get over it." i smile and run outside, jumping into the pool, the other three following me out.

i knew they'd make up.

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