7 - hueningkai

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she was so beautiful. it was practically a miracle she came running to me when she was kicked out by yeonjun.

"so uh- y/n- i was w-"

taehyun cut me off.

taehyun:"y/n. why don't you join me for breakfast??"

y/n looked to me for approval. i nodded, fake smiling.

she nodded. taehyun took her hand. they walked off together.

i clenched my fist. taehyun was up to no good. i could tell. he's ready to steal y/n. he's going in. i sighed, putting my hands in my pockets and shuffling away slowly. no girls ever notice me. y/n's the first one that

she's so beautiful. her eyes sparkle like the stars and her hair shines like the moon. i took one glance at her. total swoon. i'm surprised she's single. i'm still surprised she came to me in a crisis.

i barely know the girl!! this proves she definitely trusts me. i walked home, passing y/n and taehyun on the way. i could see them holding hands and doing that eye contact thing that seemed to pull y/n in. i looked away.

why can't i be perfect as taehyun? why, god, why??

i slapped myself across the face hard, screaming at the pain. i saw y/n start to look my way, but i started walking faster like nothing happened.

i finally got home and kicked my shoes off. i ran upstairs and kicked bahiyyih's door. before bahiyyih could scold me, lea came out of her room.

lea:"kai, what is it THIS time??" she rolled her eyes.

i didn't answer. instead, i burst into tears and slammed my bedroom door. i flopped onto the bed, sobbing uncontrollably. how could she?!? how could she choose him!?? i sobbed and sobbed, until i heard a soft knock at my door. the door opened.

y/n walked up to my bed and patted me on the back.

y/n:"hueningkai- i- what's wrong??" she said in a gentle, concerned voice.

i didn't respond. instead, i turned around and punched her. right in the nose. she immediately fell to the floor and screamed. at that moment, bahiyyih burst through the door.

bahiyyih:"KAI!! what have you done to y/n??" she walked over to y/n and her bleeding nose. she helped y/n up, and took her to the bathroom. y/n came back and sat down far away from me. i looked down with tears in my eyes.

"get.out." i said firmly. she ran away, crying. i realized what i had just did. i made things worse for y/n. i did what yeonjun did. shit, she left everything here. i promised her a good time here with me.

she had nowhere to go. i was her only hope. and even if she found somewhere.. she has nothing.


i held my chest and stood up against the wall. my insides felt like they were burning. what was this feeling?? guilt?? shame?? pain?? sympathy?? love?? i didn't know.

the last thing i remember??

collapsing on the bedroom floor.

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