22 - y/n

50 2 7

it was 11:56 pm when i woke back up.

all i saw was a white ceiling and a bunch of wires attatched to me.

and a doctor leaning over me.

doctor:"oh, you're awake!"

"where am i??" i struggled to say. i wanted to say, 'where's kai?' but i didn't.

the doctor didn't answer. he just stepped out of the room and called out to someone.

all 5 guys came running down the hall into the room. yeonjun tried to hug me, but kai ran in front of him and jumped onto the bed, practically strangling me as he hugged me tightly.

"it's good to see you too.." i laughed.

he kept hugging me.

kai:"oh my god, oh my god!!" he grabbed me by the shoulders and looked at me for a second.

he slowly got closer and eventually kissed me.

for some reason, i didn't fight it.

i let him kiss me as yeonjun smiled instead of scolding me.

eventually, yeonjun came to his senses.

yeonjun:"alright, lovebirds, break it up." everyone laughed as kai stepped back, blushing a little.

yeonjun then gave me a hug.

once everyone else had hugged me, we all sat down for a while.

"i'm sorry if you guys were worried.. i.."

kai put a hand on my shoulder as yeonjun tried to slap him.

kai:"it's not your fault, y/n."

taehyun poked hueningkai jokingly.

taehyun:"he was soooo worried about you, y/n. so worried that he insisted on coming here alone with you." the guys smirked and kai hid his face from me.
i laughed.

"leave him alone, guys." i smiled.

i yawned.

yeonjun looked at the guys knowingly.

yeonjun:"well, i think we should all get some rest. we want you out of here as soon as possible, y/n. me and the others are gonna go down and sleep on the couches in the downstairs lounge."

kai grabbed my hand and kissed it.

"wait." i said. everyone turned to look at me. "can kai stay?"

yeonjun looked at kai, then at me.

yeonjun:"we'll leave you two lovebirds alone." he winked and everyone else left.

hueningkai laid down in my bed next to me.

kai:"so.. does this mean you'll be my girlfriend?" he looked at me hopefully.

i laughed. "yes. it does."

i rolled over and tried to sleep. something wasnt quite right.

i rolled back over to face him.


he opened his eyes.


"i'm scared. of falling back asleep. i'm scared that i won't wake up.."

he smiled and grabbed my hand.

kai:"well, if you don't wake up, i'll read to you every night until you do. how does that sound?"

i smiled.


i scooted closer to him amd snuggled him

i fell asleep in his arms.

the next morning

i woke up not able to breathe.

i started coughing violently.

kai sat up and hugged me. he started to panic and hit the red button for the nurse.

a nurse rushed into the room and looked at me.

nurse:"what happened?"

kai:"i don't know.. she just.. she can't.. i don't know."

the nurse checked my oxygen levels. her face went sheet white.

nurse:"we're gonna take her into the ICU." kai looked worried., but he nodded.

kai:"whatever will help her."

kai hugged and kissed me.

kai:"feel better."

the nurse took me out of the room.

i saw the guys walking back to my room. i waved, still coughing.

soobin:"where's she going?" he muttered.

kai then ran out of the room and up to them, sobbing.

i fell asleep, fearing what's next.

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