25 - hueningkai

51 2 8

i woke up at 1am to y/n screaming and crying.

"huh?" i rubbed my eyes.


i was able to speak the word now.


she hugged me.

y/n:"i'm sorry. did i scare you?? i just.. i.. i had a nightmare."

my eyes widened.

"you fell asleep?"

y/n:"oh, don't be a yeonjun. i'm awake now, dingbat. that's all that matters."

i smiled.

"tell me about your nightmare."

she rested her head on my shoulder as she explained her nightmare.

y/n:"i was in the woods.. and you... i was with you... someone was following us.. and you protected me.. you.. you shielded me and you got hurt.. and y.. you died.. and i.. i had to run away without you.. a.. and.."

i put a finger to her mouth. "shhh. i don't need to hear much more. that will never happen, my love. i love you so much, and i would never go into the woods with you. too dangerous, you know?"

she smiled. y/n:"yeah.. thank you. you always know the right thing to say."

"no problem. now, why don't we keep you awake so yeonjun doesn't worry?"

y/n:"but i'm sleepy."

i sighed. "okay. i'll take you upstairs, and i'll sleep with you up there. that way i can make sure you're safe and sound."

we went upstairs and climbed into her bed.

"goodnight, my sunshine. i love you."

y/n:"i love you more."

she fell asleep and i hugged her tightly, protecting her from everything in life's path. i was determined to stay awake incase she needed me.

a few hours later

i woke up. i heard yeonjun screaming.

yeonjun:"where did they go??"

yeonjun:"WHEN I GET UP THERE, THERE BETTER NOT BE ANY EXCHANGING OF BODILY FLUIDS!!" i rolled my eyes and shook y/n lightly.

"wake up, y/n.. time to get up.."


"y/n? wake up.."

still nothing. i started to worry, until i could see her smile forming.

"y/n, don't scare me like that!!" she opened her eyes and laughed.

y/n:"it's just a joke. don't be so worrysome, kai."

yeonjun yelled again.


i grabbed her hand.

"cmon, before yeonjun kills us."

we ran downstairs.

yeonjun:"let go of her hand. right now!! what were you two doing up there that you couldn't do down here?!"

y/n spoke before i could.

y/n:"sleeping. you were snoring too loud."

yeonjun then looked at me.

yeonjun:"sleeping!?! you son of a bitch, you weren't supposed to let her-"

y/n:"don't talk to him like that!!"

yeonjun:"aww.. wait till i tell mama and papa that you have a boyfriend!! they'll go absolutely bezerk, they'll kill you!!"

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