18 - soobin

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we all sat in a circle in hueningkai's living room, waiting for him to come home. well, that is, minus y/n.

y/n:"do you think taehyun found him..?" she bit her nails anxiously pacing up and down the room. she shook her hands out.

y/n:"i keep worrying that kai killed him. neither of them are answering my texts or calls!!" yeonjun got up and poked her teasingly.

yeonjun:"someone has a crushhh~~" he danced around her in a circle. she covered his mouth.

y/n:"shut up." she rolled her eyes. i just watched the door, waiting for a shadow to appear out front. i hated when there was drama in our friend group, especially when it's over something stupid, like in this case, a girl. there's plenty out there, they need to chill!!

suddenly, it happened. kai and taehyun walked in silently. we were all silent. we all just looked at the floor waiting for someone to speak. y/n played with the rings on her fingers sliding them up and down.

kai:"y/n.. can we talk outside??" hueningkai looked up at her.

everyone exchanged looks. y/n nodded hesitantly and followed kai outside. we all immediately questioned taehyun. he took a few steps back from our overlapping yells.

taehyun:"calm down!! i told him what happened with y/n, and he was shell shocked. and then we made up.. so now i'm back here." he explained. yeonjun smirked.

yeonjun:"y/n was worried about youuu~~" he teased in a sing-song way. taehyun just looked at the floor.

taehyun:"i can't believe she rejected me." tears pricked at the corners of his eyes. he just shook his head in disappointment. i got up and hugged him.

"shhh.." i sighed. it's hard to see our friend group falling apart over a girl. A GIRL. y/n especially!! i don't know what they see in her. she isn't so special if you ask me. suddenly, y/n came inside teary eyed and quiet. i heard kai curse under his breath outside.

"well.. what was that??" i asked.

y/n:"i just rejected kai." she said in a quiet and squeaky voice. she went over into yeonjun's lap and yeonjun hugged her. he glanced over at kai coming inside the house and signaled him to come over, slightly pointing at y/n with one finger. hueningkai sighed and put on his best act. at least, i'm pretty sure i was the only one who could tell it was fake..

kai kneeled down so he could come to y/n and yeonjun's level. he took her hands.

kai:"hey.. it's seriously okay with me." he tried to soothe her, squeezing her hands.. we could all tell that he obviously was very hurt. taehyun had the most confused look on his face. she'd rejected him AND kai?? i'd be confused too. he had told us that she rejected him for kai, but now she'd rejected both. what could she be waiting for? he just kknd of slightly hid his face from us and listened to the conversation.

y/n:"n-no it really isn't. i don't wanna hurt you, i'm just really not ready for a relationship right now." we were all so confused. taehyun slowly uncovered his face as kai suddenly moved closer. there's no way anybody in that room could've braced themselves for what about to happen next.

we watched as kai kissed her right then and there.

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