23 - hueningkai

45 2 6

i ran up to the guys, sobbing.

"the ICU. she's going to the ICU."

i continued sobbing. everyone had shocked looks on their faces.

soobin hugged me.

soobin:"it's okay.."

yeonjun:"don't be so sad, what are you two, a thing now? she'll be fine."

taehyun slapped him and scolded him.


yeonjun stuck his tongue out at taehyun.

yeonjun:"she'll be fine. stop being such a 아기, huening."

i sat down and cried more. we sat there for a few more hours until...

nurse:"she can go home now."

i sighed in relief.

y/n came out, looking tired.

i grabbed her hand.

"cmon, let's get you home."

we got into the car and drove home.

i helped her inside.

"oh, and no swimming until further notice."

she frowned.

y/n:"that's not fair!!" she laughed.

i don't understand how she's laughing right now, but at least it's the normal y/n again..

"want ice cream?"

she shook her head.

y/n:"i'll puke if i eat something now."

i went upstairs with her.

she went in her bed and fell asleep.

i sat next to her.

soon enough, yeonjun called up the stairs.


i shook y/n gently.

"y/n.. wake up!!"


"y/n!! wake up!!"

i started to get worried. i shook her again.

"WAKE UP!!" i screamed.

i shook her so hard that i pushed her off the bed.



i started to think this wasn't a joke.


soobin entered the room.

soobin:"what the hell is going on in here?"

"she won't wake up soobin.. she won't.. she.."

i started crying.

soobin:"yeonjun, your sister's out again!!" soobin yelled down the stairs.

i wiped a tear from my eyes. i had an idea.

i grabbed a book off of her shelf.

soobin:"wha..what're you doing?"

"what i promised i'd do." i exhaled shakily and began to read aloud.

i read. and read. and read. for hours.

she still hadn't woken up.

by the time it was 10 pm, my eyes were red and the book was full of my tears. my eyes welled with tears again as i continued reading.

"he.. he.. he put... put the.." i stumbled over my words as i cried.

i threw the book across the room now.

"please, y/n, please.. don't you know you'll die... please just wake up.. please, y/n.."

i was too busy begging to see taehyun standing in the doorway. he walked over and startled me.

"when did you get here?" i wiped my eyes, making them more red.

taehyun didn't answer.

i ignored him and turned back to y/n.

"if you die, i die. cmon y/n.. talk to me.. cmon.. cmon.. please..please.. please y/n, please.."

taehyun:"give her this." he handed me a stuffed bear.

i took the bear and placed it next to her.

"y/n, please, for the love of god, PLEASE!!"

i laid my head on her shoulder, sobbing.

i didn't think she heard me.

but she heard me.

she did.

it just took her 8 days to realize it.

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