29 - y/n

44 2 8

i woke up in my bed.

kai was staring at me.

kai:"y/n!! you're awake."


he hugged me.

kai:"i wanna take you somewhere."

he drove me to a field of roses.

"wow, it's beautiful!!"

kai:"i come here a lot. one time i even thought about bringing a rose home to you."

why didn't you? i thought. but i said something different.

"that's nice."

kai:"y/n, i can't take it anymore.."

he got down on one knee. he pulled out a ring box. he opened it. the ring was far much better and fancier than the promise ring i left at the hospital. i was confused at first.

"is this another promise ring since we left my old one at the hospital?" i laughed.

he sighed. kai:"this is no promise ring, y/n. every minute i've spent with you since i met you has been so magical and valuable. you really have changed my life and how i see things. for example, i like pickles, and you don't, so that led me to eat pickles less often!"

i heard a distant whisper.
voice:"he had to include the pickle thing?"

who was that?

kai rolled his eyes and continued.

"things like that. y/n, i want every second with you. when i almost lost you, i.. i felt trapped. i felt like i was trapped in a white room without you and i couldn't get out. so that's why.. i'm asking you this."

i gasped. was he..? no, he couldn't be.

"y/n hannah choi. will you make me the luckiest man on earth and marry me?"

"oh my god, kai.."

i started to cry.

"of course i'll marry you.. of course i will." i hugged him tighter than i ever have.

suddenly, yeonjun, soobin, beomgyu, and taehyun came out from inside the trees.

"SURPRISE!!" they yelled.

"you guys knew about this??" i laughed and hugged them.

"and yeonjun, you're okay with it?"

yeonjun:"unfortunately." we all laughed.

soobin:"let's go home and celebrate!!"

so we went home.

we celebrated.

and oh, how we celebrated.

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