6 - y/n

113 3 2

i woke up, kai holding me close. i broke away gently, so i wouldn't wake him. i grabbed my old clothes and my phone, heading out the door and walking home. i walked into all four the guys passed out on the couch. yeonjun woke and sat up when i entered. he walked up to me, in an intimidating manner.

yeonjun:"y/n!! where have you been??"


"hueningkai. his house. i s-slept over." i said in shame.

boy, was i in for it.

yeonjun:"you were where??! you did WHAT!?!? i have told you many, many times!! my friends are off limits!! this is why i was so against you transferring to our school!! UGHH!"  he yelled in frustration, grabbing my shoulders, tilting me back. he shook me aggressively as he said this.

my eyes were wide.

"yeonjun, it was just a friend thing.. nothing happ-" he covered my mouth and looked me dead in the eyes.

yeonjun:"you know what?? pack your bags. i never wanna see you here again." he slapped my face hard and walked away, knocking my things off a counter.

was he.. kicking me out?? tears filled my eyes. "f- FINE." i stormed upstairs, shoved some things into a bag, and left. i ran all the way to hueningkai's house, sobbing. i beated on the door several times aggressively. bahiyyih answered.

bahiyyih:"y/n!! what happened??"

"where's kai.." i yelled through tears.. "get kai!!"

she ran upstairs.

bahiyyih:"KAIIII! KAI!! IT'S Y/N!! SHE NEEDS HELPPP!!" i heard her yell. she muttered something in korean, coming back down into the kitchen, where her cookies were baking.

kai ran down right after her, picking me up and immediately carrying me to his room. he put me down and shut the door, locking it.

kai:"y/n. what happened, love.. you're safe now. i'll take your bag. explain." he took my bag out of my shaking hands and placed it in a corner. he got down on a knee and looked up at me, putting me down in a fluffy chair, giving me one of his plushies.

a/n: it has to be plushies yall, we know hueningkai loves his plushies <33

"i got in a huge fight with yeonjun because i went home with you.. and he- he kicked me out." hueningkai's eyes grew bigger. he hugged me tightly. i buried my face into his shoulder, sobbing and sobbing. he patted me on the back.

kai:"it's okay y/n.. you're safe here y/n. you can stay with me until yeonjun realizes he overreacted. we can buy you some new things. you'll be fine." i looked up and nodded.

kai:"here's my credit card. i'll take you to the store. buy whatever you need. we don't have to see yeonjun until further notice. we can skip school together and get food." he smiled, handing me his credit card.

skip school? i have never skipped before. i nodded. kai hugged me and kissed me on the forehead. we ran to the car and he drove to the mall. i bought skincare, makeup, a hairbrush, toothbrush, and anything else i need that i didn't bring. i paid, and handed kai his card. we walked around for awhile, chatting and laughing.

while walking down a street, i suddenly bumped into-


taehyun:"y/n?? kai?? why so close?? are you two a thing now.."

"NO!!" we yelled in unison.

"i got into a fight with yeonjun and he kicked me out. long story short, living with kai until further notice."

taehyun sighed and hugged me. i nearly cried looking at the two guys in front of me.

how could i choose??

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