𝑃𝑎𝑟𝑡 2

857 13 13

As we were ready my phone rang. I quickly snatched it from the bedside table and answered without looking who it was.

"Hey, it's Bill."

"Oh, hey Bill."

"I called to tell y'all to bring a bathing suit."

"Okay? Well we're almost ready."

"Great text me your address."

"Okay, bye Bill."

"Bye Adi."

We hung up and I started searching for a bathing suit. God I have so many I can't choose.

"Hurry up bitch." Aria yelled from the doorframe.

"Hold on I'm searching for a bathing suit."

"WHAT. WE HAVE TO TAKE ONE?" She yelled and ran over to me.

"Yeah..I forgot to tell you, sorry."

"It's fine let me help you."

We both chose black ones and threw them under our clothes. We were watching tv while waiting for the guys. Suddenly their was a knock on the door.

We both got up grabbed our stuff and ran towards the door.

"Heyy" I said and hugged them both while Aria did the same. It was a manner we both had.

"So where to?" Aria asked.

"You'll find out." Bill replied.

Me and Aria made eye contact and shrugged.

After walking for a while we were at the beach. It looked so beautiful.

We laid our towels on the sand and laid down. Both me and Aria put on sunscreen.

"Could you put some on my back please?" Aria asked me. I nodded and motioned her to turn around. After I was ready I was about to ask her the same, but she ran off to the water.

"God damn it" I mumbled.

"What was that?" Bill asked.

"Nothing, uhm could you put sunscreen on my back please?" I was so embarrassed for asking this.

He laughed a little. "Sure."

After he was done I laid back down to tan a bit. Aria came back and laid next to me.

"Could someone pass me a water bottle?" She asked.

Tom threw some at her and she drank it in seconds.

Then she threw the bottle and it landed between my thighs.

"Ha you have a dick." She started laughing like crazy.

"Haha how mature." I said sarcastically and rolled my eyes.

She stuck her tongue out and I turned around to see Bill and Tom laughing their asses off.

I snatched the bottle and hit them both on the heads with it. "Ow" They both said. "Ow" I mimicked them. They rolled their eyes and laid back down.

Someone started breathing super loud. I opened my eyes and looked at Tom.

"Why are you breathing so fucking loud?" I yelled.

"Cuz it's boring."

"God kill me." I mumbled. "What do you want to do?"

"I don't know." He breathed out again.

I slapped a hand on my forehead and closed my eyes again.

I fell asleep, but was woken up when I felt like someone was throwing sand at me.

"Wtf?" I opened my eyes and sat up looking at Ari giggling in front of me.

"God you're so childish sometimes." She mimicked me with hand movements and I threw sand at her too.

Soon the sun was starting to go down and we packed our stuff.

"Wanna eat somewhere?" Bill asked.

"You serious?" Aria asked.

He looked confused. "Wanna get high?" I asked smirking.

Their eyes lit up and we quickly ran to a store nearby. "Have y'all gotten high by computer duster?" I asked the guys. "I have." Bill said. "Same here." Tom added.

"Y'all wait here me and Ari have our ways." I said and with that we disappeared.

We got inside and grabbed a can and some other things to make it less obvious. The cashier still gave us a strange look.

The twins were leaning against the wall as we got out.

We walked till we spotted an empty park and sat on the swings.

I opened the bottle and sprayed some in my mouth then handed it to Aria. She did the same and handed it to Tom then to Bill.

We passed it back and fourth a few times until we felt it kick in.

I got up and started twirling and running around. "I can't feel anything." I yelled.

"Me either I feel like I'm not even real." Aria yelled from the swings.

Suddenly an idea popped in my head. "Hit me." I turned to look at Bill.

"What?! Are you serious, no."

"HIT ME." He slapped me across the face and we broke out into laugher.

"I can't feel it, hit me harder."

He smacked me and we started laughing even harder. "Hit me too." He said.

I hit him across the face and by the look on his forehead I cut him with one of my rings. We were quite till we started laughing again.

Suddenly we heard some steps. We turned around and saw a policeman. "HEY" He yelled at us. "RUN" I yelled and everyone followed me. It even started raining. We got near a fence and jumped over it. We stopped when we knew he wasn't following us anymore.

"That. Was.." I said out of breath.

"Awesome." Aria finished.

We didn't even realise our shirts were see through until I turned to look at my sister. I started laughing at her and she looked confused. "What?" She asked. "Your shirt." "Look at yours." I quickly looked down at mine. "Shit." We both started laughing like crazy.

We walked to Tom and Bill's house, because it was closer and we were all soaked from the rain. As soon as we reached their house mine and Aria's mouth opened wide. Their house was huge and they even had a dog.

We got in and sat on the sofa. "Umm, do you have something I can change into." I asked them. "Yeah same, it's so uncomfortable." Aria added.

They both nodded and sprinted upstairs. They got back and handed us some shorts and t-shirts and we made our way to the bathroom.

When we got back they weren't in the living room so we decided to go upstairs. We went in a room and they were both there..SHIRTLESS. I quickly covered my eyes. "Shit sorry." Aria said. Once they were ready we got downstairs and decided to watch some film.

Halfway through the movie I fell asleep on someone's shoulder.


A/N I fr tripped in my kitchen while grabbing ice cream and yesterday I bumped into a cabinet, then tripped in the bathroom. How could I be so blind. Anyways I had to delete part 1, because I accidentally deleted the introduction😭 Don't you dare say this reminds you of thirteen.

𝑅𝑒𝑓𝑙𝑒𝑐𝑡𝑖𝑜𝑛/𝐵𝑖𝑙𝑙 𝐾𝑎𝑢𝑙𝑖𝑡𝑧Where stories live. Discover now