𝑃𝑎𝑟𝑡 23

490 13 11

I heard screaming and jumped from the bed. I looked next to me to be seen with no one. I got up and ran downstairs where I saw Tom, Aria, Bill and my aunt. I cleared my throat before speaking.

"What the fuck happened?"

They all turned their attention towards me.

"That fucker is flirting with our aunt." Aria said.

I looked towards Tom and raised my eyebrows.


"What?! She's hot." He replied making me gag.

"Anyways..Y'all wanna go to a party?" Bill asked.

My face lit up. "Party? I'm in!" I ran up the stairs to check the time. It was 4pm what the fuck?! I ran towards the bathroom and stripped out of my clothes then stepped into the shower. I washed my hair and body and got out. I walked back into my room and saw Bill sitting on my bed. His eyes widened as he saw me and a smirk quickly appeared after.

"Hot." He mumbled.

"Fuck off." I said and walked towards my closet to find clothes.

(Idk if there is a skirt under all those belts, but if there is the belts are leaving maybe leave one? And for the shoes heels instead)

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(Idk if there is a skirt under all those belts, but if there is the belts are leaving maybe leave one? And for the shoes heels instead)

I laid the outfit on my bed and sat on my vanity.

"Nuh uh." I heard behind me.


"I said nuh uh." Bill replied.

"What the fuck do you mean nuh uh speak you connard." I raised an eyebrow.

"You're not going out like that."

"And what if I am?" I asked.

"You aren't."

"Oh, I sure am Billy." A smirk formed on my lips as I continued on doing my makeup. After I was done I straightened my hair and put on my outfit. I did a turn in front of Bill. His mouth was slightly opened.

"You like?" I asked.

"I love." He replied and kissed my lips.

"Okay lover boy let's go." I grabbed his hand and pulled him downstairs where everybody was waiting.

"Finally.." Tom mumbled receiving a smack on the back of the head by Aria. I chuckled as I ran towards Bill's car.

"Are we going with one car?" I asked.

"Yeah." Georg replied.

"I'm not sitting on anyone's lap!" Aria shouted before me.

"Fuck you." I gave her the finger and sat on Bill's lap while Aria and Tom were next to us and Georg was driving with Gustav in the passenger seat.

When we got to the party the house was huge, like a mansion. We went in and everyone ran away, like always. I walked towards the kitchen and grabbed a glass filling it with whatever I find. I walked towards the dance floor and started singing and dancing my heart out.

After many drinks and probably hours of dancing I was wasted. I got off the dance floor and started walking around trying to find someone I could talk to. I found Tom and walked towards him.

"Hey Tom."

"Hey Adi." He replied. "What's up?"

"Nothing just wanted to talk to someone."

"Cool. Anyways have you seen the others?" He asked.

"Actually no I haven't."

"Strange." He replied.

After a while of talking he zoned out looking at something behind me. I raised an eyebrow and turned around to be only seen with my worst nightmare.

A fucking bitch sitting on Bill's lap. My eyes burned from tears, but I didn't let them out, instead I walked towards them and grabbed the bitch by the hair pushing her to the ground.

"You bitch!" She yelled.

"You're the bitch here!" I yelled too.

I kneeled down and started punching her in the face, jaw, stomach everywhere I could hit. Suddenly hands wrapped around my waist pulling me away. I tried fighting, but nothing helped. I looked up and saw Bill. I punched him in the nose as he let loose on his grip. I ran towards the door, but before leaving I yelled.

"Fuck you Bill Kaulitz."

𝑨/𝑵 Anyways...Y'all probably hate me for lying and not updating, but it's been rough for me.

I keep throwing up food and refusing to eat, but I've been clean for 120 days.

Anyways me and my ex are really close again and I hope I don't loose him again, bc he's the only person that understands me. I really love him (platonically)

I broke up with my bf, cuz he called me a fucking whore and a bitch and told me if Bill came in my town I would be on my knees to give him e blow job plus he told me I couldn't have a celebrity crush.

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