𝑃𝑎𝑟𝑡 16

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The next morning I was woken up by shouting. Someone barged into the room. I groaned as I rolled out of bed and fell on my ass. God why do people always wake me up like this.

I rubbed my eyes as I saw Bill smirking while looking me up and down. Then it clicked. I was only in my underwear and tshirt that does not cover anything.

"Out." I stated and pointed at the door.

"Yes m'am." He answered and walked towards the door, but before he could close it he shouted.

"Get ready we are leaving."

"Fuck off." I shouted back.

As soon as I heard the door closing I groaned and looked over to see Aria still sleeping. I got up from the floor and went over to her bed shaking her awake.

I went to the bathroom to take a shower then brush my teeth. As I got out I went over to my suitcase and pulled out some flared jeans and a random crop top I found. I got dressed then blow dried my hair and did my makeup.

After Aria was ready we went into the lobby and there were the others waiting for us.

"Finallyyy." Tom groaned.

"Beauty takes time." I smirked.

"In no use." He mumbled.

"What was that?" I asked raising a brow knowing damn well I heard him.

"Nothing." He rolled his eyes.

As soon as we left the hotel the cold breeze hit my skin. I got goosebumps and hugged myself tightly while walking.

"Cold huh?" Bill chuckled.

"No shit sherlock." I rolled my eyes and continued walking.

"Bitch." He mumbled as he gave me his jacked.

"I'll let that slide." I turned towards him and smiled innocently.

We got to a cafe and ordered coffee with breakfast. While we were waiting for the food the band couldn't stop talking about the tonights concert.

"Are we going to be in front row?" Aria asked.

"Yeah." Gustav replied.

"I hate people." I said out of nowhere.

"Everyone knows that by now." Tom rolled his eyes as he spoke.

"Oh fuck off you're just mad you're not one of the people that I love." I replied crossing my arms over my chest.

"I'm not?!" He whisper shouted offended.

"You know I'm joking."

He shook his head no. My smile faded, but a smile appeared on his lips.

"I'm kidding I know you do." He replied still smiling.

After our food arrived we just talked about random things until we were ready and left. The walk back to the hotel was so embarrassing. They were yelling at random people and making random noises.

When we got to our rooms, before I could close the door to it, Bill stopped the door to come in.

"Could of asked politely."

"Oh shut it." He answered.

"Make me."

I smirk appeared on his lips that made me instantly regret my words.

He tackled me to the bed tickling the living shit out of me.

"Bill no." I managed to get out through laughs.

As he stopped we were only inches apart. We made eye contact as he looked at my lips then back at my eyes again. As I was getting lost into his eyes suddenly I felt his lips on mine.

The kiss was sweet and it sent fireworks through my body. I've been longing this kiss for too long. It soon turned into a make-out. We parted as we were breathing heavily. A smirk appeared on Bill's lips as he reattached our lips again. This kiss was more aggressive, but this soft. His soft pink lips on mine, the only thing I needed. Soon we parted again and he got up from me leaving me breathless.

"Get ready love." He said before leaving.

I was still shocked from what had happened just seconds ago. Soon I was out of my trance as Aria snapped her fingers in front of my eyes.

"You look like you've seen a ghost." She chuckled.

I rolled my eyes as I got up and went over to my suitcase.

When I got dressed I went over to the mirror to do my makeup then hair

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When I got dressed I went over to the mirror to do my makeup then hair.

It was already time to leave when me and Aria were ready so we got down to the lobby to see them waiting for us again. A smirk appeared on Bill's lips as I smiled at him.

While we were walking out Bill leaned against my ear whispering,

"You're so hot."

"Am I not always?" I chuckled.

"Fair enough." He shrugged, but smiled afterwards.

When we got to the concert me and Aria walked around while they were doing sound checks.

"You know I want to tell you something." I turned to look at Aria and motioned for her to continue.

"I think I like Tom." She mumbled.

A smile plastered on my lips as I screamed out of happiness earning a few glances, but I didn't care.

"I knew it!"

"Shut up." She rolled her eyes.

"Okay, okay jeez." I put my hands up in defence.

After an hour or so we got back to the venue and saw people getting in. We got in after them and took our places in front row.

Soon after the concert started and because we knew most of their songs we sang along with the others to blend in and, because it was fun.

After the concert we went backstage to meet with them.

As soon as I saw them I jumped on Bill as he spun me around.

"You were amazing." I mumbled against his chest.

"Thank you darling."

I blushed at the nickname and buried my face further into his chest if that was possible.

After some talking the boys got their things and we left.

𝑨/𝑵 I'm awake since 3:30am writing this shit. Anyways I really like @Only_Angle_31 story On tour ~ [Tom Kaulitz] I would like if you vote and maybe read? her book. I would be very thankful if you do. Love you all and it would mean the world to me if you read her book she is such a kind soul.

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