𝑃𝑎𝑟𝑡 11

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Days have turned into weeks. Adeline hasn't left her room neither has Aria. They were both crushed from the incident. Suddenly their dad shouted at them to come down. The two groaned as they got down. They saw him with a bottle of alcohol in one hand while trying to walk. Fun fact their father now drinks. How fun. The two though as they rolled their eyes. Aria went to her father pulling him up the stairs to his room while Adeline was cleaning.

After all the cleaning she laid on her bed and sighed. "Why me?" She whispered to herself.

(2 months later)

The two girls were getting ready for school. The two looked at each other then at the mirror. They sighed as they grabbed the concealer to cover up their bruises. Their father has turned to an abusive one after their mother's death. He would beat them up badly every night., but they kept silent. They didn't want to loose the only person they had left, but it was hard for them as well. I mean look at them? All bruised up and many more things they won't tell anyone.

As they were done they quickly ran out the house and met up with the Kaulitz twins.

"Hey girls." Bill sang as they came closer.

"Hey Bill..Tom." They both said and rolled their eyes. Aria still hasn't forgiven Tom, I mean who would?

Bill laughed a little and nudged his brother as Tom flipped them off. They walked all the way to school and finally were there.

As they got in they got stares, but ignored them. "Bitches." Aria mumbled making Adeline chuckle.

"What was that?" Bill asked.

"Nothing." They both said at the same time and glared at each other. Tom and Bill laughed a little, but shrugged it off.

As they got to their first class the twins and Aria went in while Adeline was at the bathroom. When she made sure her makeup was there she made her way back to the classroom.

When she stepped a foot in water spilled all over her. She looked up and saw some girls laughing their asses off, that they didn't even had, but anyway.

Everybody stopped laughing as they were looking at her shocked. She then realised and tears filled her eyes as she covered her face and ran out. Someone was yelling her name, but she didn't turn around just kept running. As she sat on the bathroom floor crying silently she felt a presence next to her. She looked up and saw her sister. She smiled lightly at her, but again buried her face in her lap.

"No, no head up." She demanded. Adeline laughed a little as she sat up straight.

Aria grabbed a tissue wiping her sister's tears away and grabbed her hands lifting her up. She searched through her pocket as she grabbed the concealer from earlier. Adeline smiled at her sister as she grabbed it.

"Always prepared, huh?" Adeline asked as she was applying it.

"Always." Aria replied.

The two girls made their way into the classroom again. Everyone were giving them strange glances, but they ignored them once again.

As they sat behind the other twins they turned around facing the two girls.

"What the fuck happened?!" Bill whisper yelled.

The two girls sighed as they looked at each other and nodded. "We'll tell you after school." Aria said. Bill looked angry and confused, but nodded and turned back around.

𝑅𝑒𝑓𝑙𝑒𝑐𝑡𝑖𝑜𝑛/𝐵𝑖𝑙𝑙 𝐾𝑎𝑢𝑙𝑖𝑡𝑧Where stories live. Discover now