𝑃𝑎𝑟𝑡 20

436 12 9

Adeline's POV:

I've stayed in my room for almost a month. People would say I was overreacting or say that I'm dramatic, but to not know how it feels and talking like this is a whole new level.

Yeah it has happened to me a couple of times, but that doesn't mean I can't be bothered. I thought it was all over till that night. The night I'll never forget. After I thought it was over. Felt happy for the first time in a long time.

I've mostly healed from it, but psychically not mentally. I haven't eaten this whole month. My stomach aching for at least one bite.

I've became skinnier and paler from every day that goes by. When will it all end?


I heard a loud knock on my door.

I groaned as I sat up. "Come in."

Bill came into the room with a bag.

"Got you some mcdonalds." He waved the bag in front of me smiling.

"Thank you." I smile back.

He puts the bag next to me and sighs.

"Adeline I know you haven't been eating." He looks directly into my eyes.

I stayed quiet.

"Please eat. For me?"

I stayed silent again.

"For fucks sake Adeline!" He yelled making me flinch.

"I have been tired trying to talk to you. I'm trying to fucking help you and I'm not going to give up. I know this is hard, but I'm here! I'm fucking here Adeline!! You can talk to me." He continued shouting to which my eyes got teary.

His gaze softened as he sat back down embracing me into a hug.

"I'm just so drained." I mumble against his chest through cries.

"I know darling, I know." He softly replied caressing my back.


Bill's POV:

I woke up in the middle of the night feeling like something was wrong. I quickly got up and rushed to Adeline's room.

As I opened the door she wasn't there.

I put on my shoes and ran out the door knowing the only place I could find her.

Our place.

I ran through the streets till I was in front of the building. I ran to the rooftop and saw Adeline standing at the edge.

"ADELINE." I yelled as I ran towards her tears falling down my cheeks.

I stopped as she had one foot out.

"Adi please.." I sobbed. I couldn't loose her like that, no I couldn't.

"I'm sorry Bill.."

"Have you thought about Aria?!" I yelled all of a sudden. "How would she feel loosing her twin sister?! The only thing she has left! I know this is hard my love, but please do not do it. I'm here for you and always will be." I put my hand out waiting for her to take it.

Suddenly she shook her head as she took the last step.


Before she could fall I grabbed her hand and pulled her back as we both fell to the ground.

"What were you thinking?" I sobbed as she laid on top of me.

"I can't do this anymore Bill.." She cried into my chest.

"You can. You will."


"Yes, Adeline you can and you will. I can't bare the pain of loosing you. I fucking love you!" I shouted the last part.

Adeline's POV:

I was ready to take the last step when Bill ran yelling towards me. I couldn't hear him only my fast heart beat.

When suddenly I heard his yell.

"How would she feel loosing her twin sister?!"

I didn't think about it. I didn't have time to think about any of this. I ignored his yells as I took the last step.

Him yelling my name as I suddenly felt a hand grabbing mine pulling me up.

My whole body shook. I was too scared to open my eyes. Bill's yelling was ringing in my ears.

"I can't do this anymore Bill." I cried into his chest.

"You can. You will."

"No.." I whispered.

"Yes, Adeline you can and you will. I can't bare the pain of loosing you. I fucking love you!"

I looked directly into his eyed as I heard those four words.

Suddenly his lips were on mine. The kiss was sweet and loving. It felt like he didn't want to let go nor did I.

He was my missing piece.

𝑨/𝑵 I was trying to write poems, but nothing came into my mind so I decided to write a chapter to express how I feel.

𝑅𝑒𝑓𝑙𝑒𝑐𝑡𝑖𝑜𝑛/𝐵𝑖𝑙𝑙 𝐾𝑎𝑢𝑙𝑖𝑡𝑧Where stories live. Discover now