𝑃𝑎𝑟𝑡 8

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I woke up still in Bill's embrace. I turned around to face him and he was still sleeping. I slightly got up and went into my bathroom.

As I got out I went downstairs and saw my parents sitting in the kitchen.

"Morning ma and dad." I said smiling.

"Morning kid." My dad said.

"Evie left the house earlier." My mom said.

"Glad." I mumbled.

"Why? What happened?" She asked.

"Long story." I rolled my eyes.

As we were talking everyone got downstairs and my parents looked at me and Aria.

"Didn't know your friends were here." My mom said raising an eyebrow.

"Sorry." Me and Aria said.

We all gathered on the table and started eating. My parents got to know the band some more.

"So what are your names?" She asked them.

"Bill, Tom, Gustav and Georg." I said.

My mother looked at me. "Well nice to meet you."

"Nice to meet you too m'am." Bill said making me smile.

I looked towards my mom and she mouthed 'I like him already' making me roll my eyes.

"You two really look alike are you brothers?" My father asked Bill and Tom.

"Twin brothers." They replied.

My mother raised an eyebrow at me and Aria before speaking. "Meant to be." She started squealing. "Oh shut up." I said. "Language." My father scolded. "Sorry." I apologised.

After breakfast the band left so they could get ready. Aria, Faith and I were getting ready then going to the twins house.

I went to shower then did my skin care and got dressed.

"What should I wear?" I turned towards Faith.

She looked through my closet before tossing me some clothes.

(Outfit at the top)

She then walked into the bathroom while I was doing my makeup and straightening my hair.

As she walked out water was dripping from her hair. "Hot." I mumbled as she winked at me.

She got dressed then did her makeup while I was straightening her hair again.

We were ready and grabbed our shoulder bags then went downstairs. Aria was already there waiting for us. We said bye to our parents and left.

As we were walking some man walked towards us.

"What are beautiful ladies like you doing here all alone?" He asked. It was already dark out.

We ignored him, but he grabbed Aria making me stop in my tracks as I turned around.

"Let go of her you fucker." I spat.

He raised an eyebrow at me as a smirk crept on his lips.

I punched him in the nose making him let go of Aria. As I grabbed her hand and Faith's we started running towards the twins house. He was chasing after us while I was texting Bill to wait for us in front of their house.

As we got closer to their house I could see Bill there. I yelled his name and his head snapped towards us.

As we got behind him the man stopped in his tracks looking up at Bill. The guy was probably in his thirties, but still Bill was taller than him.

Before the guy could say anything Bill punched him in the stomach. "Leave." He mumbled.

The guy stood in place. "Leave." He said louder.

The guy left as we were left stood in place.

"Y'all okay?" He asked. We all nodded and went inside.

"What happened out there?" Tom asked.

"Just some perv running after these three." Bill motioned towards us with his head.

"Asshole." Georg said making us chuckle.

"The guy already had a bleeding nose. Which one of you punched him?" Bill asked.

Aria's and Faith's head snapped towards me.

"You got him well." He said smirking.

"I know. I wouldn't let him touch my sister neither Faith." Smiles crept on both girl's lips as they hugged me.

"Okay, okay enough with this shit let's go shopping." I said as they all agreed and we left.

We got to the mall and ran in. We went to so many stores just messing around. Trying on random clothes and laughing our asses off.

We went into a hat store, because of Tom. We ran around it just laughing at Tom, because he couldn't fit his head in most of the hats, because of his dreadlocks.

"I'm hungry." Faith said.

"Me too." Aria said.

"Me three." I said.

"Me four." Gustav said.

"Me infinity." Tom said making us all burst into a fist of laughter.

"Let's go to mcdonald's." Bill suggested.

"Bill and his obsession over mcdonald's." Georg said rolling his eyes.

"Fuck off." Bill spat at him.

As we agreed we went to mcdonald's and ordered then sat.

When we were finished we went into some other stores just messing around. I decided to buy some new jeans.

"I don't know what jeans I want to buy." I sighed.

"Flared jeans." Bill said.

"Cargo jeans." Aria said.

"Bootcut jeans." Faith said.

"Baggy jeans." Tom said.

I rolled my eyes, but an idea popped in my head. "Why not all?" A smile appeared on my lips.

"You're crazy." Bill laughed.

I bought the jeans and we left the store going towards the entrance till I spotted something that caught my attention.

The others looked at me and stopped too.

"I wanna get my bellybutton pierced." I blurted out.

Aria and Faith started jumping up and down and dragged me there.

The three of us got our bellybuttons pierced and posted it on instagram.

As for Bill he looked annoyed and gave the piercer glares.

The piercer kept giving me glances and touching me, but I ignored him.

As we left to pay, Bill paid for mine and spoke. "Keep the change and get a new piercer." He spat as we made our way out.

"You jealous?" I asked smiling.


"Oh, you sure are." My smile grew wider.

"I'll fuck the shit outta you if you don't shut up." He spat as everyone's eyes grew wider.

"With what?" I teased.

He grabbed my hand and pushed me against a wall motioning to the others to leave. He turned his head towards me once again.

"What a pretty body. It would be a pity if I crushed it." He smirked. My cheeks grew hotter as I looked away. He let go of me and we walked towards the others.

I wanted to feel his lips on mine..

𝑅𝑒𝑓𝑙𝑒𝑐𝑡𝑖𝑜𝑛/𝐵𝑖𝑙𝑙 𝐾𝑎𝑢𝑙𝑖𝑡𝑧Where stories live. Discover now