Part 26

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We were all waiting to meet Adeline. I was so scared of seeing her. It was all my fault for not being by her side. I knew she was hurting and still chose to leave.

We saw her coming towards us. She looked like a mess, my pretty mess. There was no spark in her. It was like the devil stole her soul. There was nothing left in her. I miss her beautiful smile and laugh, the spark in her eyes that once shined. I need to help her to get clean. Not only on sh, but on drugs too. This shit needs to stop.

We sat at a park in silence till Aria spoke.

"We missed you Adi.."

"Probably" She replied with no emotions in her tone. I motioned to the others to leave so I could talk to her alone. They all nodded as they stood up and walked away.

"Show me yours arms." I said with a serious tone.

"Why should I?" She asked.

"Show me your fucking arms Adeline." I looked her dead in the eyes.

She sighed as she pulled her sleeves up. My eyes welled up with tears as I inspected her cuts.

"You know Adeline I really tried helping you I really did, but I don't think I did anything other than just being there. I want you to get clean and not only in cutting yourself, but in drugs too. I don't want you killing yourself I need you right next to me. I don't want you becoming an addict. I'll be here anytime you need me I want you to know that I'll be here through thick and thin." I saw tears running down her cheeks and I couldn't take it anymore I needed her touch. I kissed her forehead as I embraced her into a warm hug.

"I love you Adi." I whispered.

"I love you too Bill." She answered through cries.

"Promise me you'll stay clean for me."

"I promise you." She closed her eyes as the sentence left her lips.

𝑨/𝑵 Really short, but I don't have any ideas I'm coming back and I'll try to update more. I love you all and I thank you for the support and patience!

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