𝑃𝑎𝑟𝑡 19

453 9 4


Aria's POV

It's been like a week or something. Adeline has been getting better. Talking to us more often, still not eating tho. She lost a few pounds and to say she was skinny she is more skinnier now. I'm trying to get her to eat, but in no use.

The twins came over today. Like always Bill is upstairs talking to Adeline while I'm stuck with Tom.

"You know about the kiss-" I cut him off.

"I still haven't forgave you, we were both drunk then." I stated normally.

"I'm sorry okay?!" He slightly yelled. "I'm sorry I did that and we weren't even dating."

"I still have the right to be angry Tom!" I yelled my expression hard. "I liked you! I really did! May I even say loved you?! But what you did was not okay. I should've kept my distance from you. I should've been more careful about you being a player-" He cut me off yelling.

"I may have did that, but bringing in that player shit?! You believe the media over me? Is that so?! I'm fucking tired of people calling me a player. I make out with girls, but to call me a player every fucking second is draining!"

I stood there shocked by his words. I was so captivated by this player shit that I didn't think how he feels about people calling him that. I'm such a bitch.

"Tom, I'm so sorry, I didn't know how y-"

Before I could finish his lips were on mine. The kiss was passionate, needy and kind off aggressive. All these things, but mostly needed. His soft lips brushing against mine was the only thing I have craved for the past few weeks. Because of all the hate towards him I had forgot how desperate I was for his kisses, for his touch for everything by him.

The kiss soon turned into a make out till we heard footsteps coming downstairs. We separated as we looked up from the couch. Bill had a disgusted look while Adeline had a smile on her face.

"Finally!" She yelled out of excitement.

I giggled a bit as the two others sat next to us on the couch.

"There's no cum right-" Bill was cut off by a pillow hitting him right in the face. "You bitch." He mumbled receiving another pillow flying right at his head. Me and Adeline laughed our asses off. I was so happy hearing her laughs again. Soon the laughter died down as we picked out a horror movie.

Halfway through the movie I looked to my left and saw Adeline asleep while Bill was drawing circles on her back. I smiled to myself feeling happiness for the first time in the past few weeks. I looked to my right and saw a snoring Tom. I giggled a bit as I laid my head on his lap drifting off to sleep immediately.

The next morning was a mess. I woke up to the smell of burning. I shot up from the couch running to the kitchen. When I got there I saw Tom and Bill stood there looking innocently. I looked them up and down and sighed.

"I told you it was a bad idea." Bill whispered to Tom although I could still hear him. Tom nudged Bill receiving a smack on the back of the head by me.

"Stop you minions and clean this mess up." I stated running off to Adeline who was still sleeping.

𝑨/𝑵 Too tired to even write shit. These past two days drained the shit outta me. We are repainting my room, because when we moved in here 3 years ago my mom wanted all the rooms in orange and I didn't like it. Now it's like a beige thing or something, cuz the white paint doesn't work on the orange color.

Our clothes are in bags, because our closets were too old and big for my room so we are waiting the new ones to arrive at friday!!

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Our clothes are in bags, because our closets were too old and big for my room so we are waiting the new ones to arrive at friday!!

𝑅𝑒𝑓𝑙𝑒𝑐𝑡𝑖𝑜𝑛/𝐵𝑖𝑙𝑙 𝐾𝑎𝑢𝑙𝑖𝑡𝑧Where stories live. Discover now