𝑃𝑎𝑟𝑡 9

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We got home not long after. I threw my bags on the floor and laid on the couch. Suddenly someone laid on top of me. I opened my eyes to see Tom.

"You fatass get the fuck up." I pushed him off of me and he landed on the floor.

He groaned as he got up and pushed me on the floor. The fact is I didn't budge. It's actually comfortable down here and I'm too exhausted to move.

Someone picked me up and I opened my eyes to see Bill carrying me upstairs. I closed them again and was placed on the bed.

He tucked me in and kissed my forehead then left. With that I dozed off to sleep.

Bill's POV:

I went back downstairs and sat on the couch. The only thing I could think about is her.

Suddenly someone pinched me. I turned around and saw Tom laughing his ass off. Sometimes I think he has some mental problem. I rolled my eyes and got up.

I went over to the kitchen and took out spaghetti and a pot and put water in it.

I put the pot on the stove to boil the water and after I put the spaghetti in. I decided to make spaghetti carbonara. While I was waiting for them to get done I took cooking cream and put it in a smaller pot along with onion, ham, pepper and salt.

When the sauce was done I mixed it with the spaghetti and put it on the table. I grabbed plates for everyone along with napkins and forks.

"Bitches diner is ready." I yelled as I went upstairs to see if Adeline was awake.

I opened the door slightly and saw her sleeping body snuggled into the sheets. A smile plastered on my face as I made my way towards her.

I shook her a bit as she groaned and opened her eyes.

"What." She mumbled.

"Diner is ready sunshine."

She quickly got up and ran downstairs. My eyes widened as I bursted out laughing.

I went downstairs and everyone was looking at me confused.

"You should of seen her face when I told her that diner was ready." I continued to laugh as I sat down.

"OW." I yelled as I looked over to Adeline. She had a fake innocent smile on her face. I flipped her off as I continued to eat.

After we were done I grabbed the plated and went to clean them until Adeline stopped me.

"I'll do it don't worry." I smiled at her words as I nodded.

Adeline's POV:

As I was done with the dishes I went over to the others and clapped my hands.

"Time for bed." I shouted.

They groaned as they got up.

"We're not some babies." I heard Tom mumble and I slapped him on the back of the head as he was walking in front of me.

Everyone got upstairs and I turned off the lights as I followed them.

I went upstairs to Bill's room and went into the bathroom to take a quick shower then grabbed some of his clothes.

I looked over to see him peacefully sleeping. I smiled at him as I kissed his cheek and laid beside him. I snuggled into his chest as I fell back asleep.

𝑅𝑒𝑓𝑙𝑒𝑐𝑡𝑖𝑜𝑛/𝐵𝑖𝑙𝑙 𝐾𝑎𝑢𝑙𝑖𝑡𝑧Where stories live. Discover now