𝑃𝑎𝑟𝑡 5

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Tom and Aria were flirting like always. While me and Bill were walking behind them. I was trying my best to ignore him.

"Adeline." He said. I ignored him once again. I can't even stand being next to him.

"Adeline, please listen." He said his voice now shaking. I sighed and turned my head towards him.

"About yesterday..I'm really sorry I was drunk-" I cut him off and shook my head.

"No, Bill that's not an excuse and I don't care we don't even like each other." I turned my head towards the couple again.

"Yeah, you're right." He sighed.

We walked around till we decided to head home.


We were at the twins house sitting on the couch until someone knocked on the door.

"I'll open it." Tom said and got up.

He came back with two more boys.

"These are Georg and Gustav." Tom said motioning to the boy with long brown hair then  at the boy with blonde hair. I recognised them when I saw them at the skate park, but I didn't get to meet them, because they left when the fight started.

"I'm Adeline." I shook their hands while Aria did the same.

We were sitting on the couch when Aria stood up from her seat making us turn our attention towards her.

"Let's play spin the bottle, but if we don't want to do it we have to take a shot." A smile plastered on her face.

We all agreed and sat in a circle. Tom was the first to spin it and it landed on Georg.

He quickly snatched the vodka and poured himself a shot, drinking it right away making us chuckle.

"I'm taken back." Georg said putting a hand on his heart.

The game went on till it was my turn. I spin the bottle and it landed on Georg. I shrugged my shoulders and stood up walking towards him. I kissed him and it soon turned into a make out until I pulled away.

I went back to my seat and saw Bill getting up to leave. I turned to Tom who he shrugged his shoulders not knowing what has gotten into him.

I scoffed and got up to follow Bill. I opened his door and saw him sat on his bed with a cigarette in one hand. I walked towards him and sat at the edge of the bed. I grabbed the cigarette from his mouth and threw it out the window.

"Now I'm even more pissed." He rolled his eyes. I let out a chuckle and looked him in the eyes.

"Why did you leave?" I asked him.

"Why do you care we don't even like each other." He mimicked my words from earlier.

"That doesn't mean I don't care about you." I put my hand on his arm caressing it.

"It's nothing now can you leave."  He said annoyed. I nodded slowly and got up leaving his room.

I went downstairs and grabbed my bag then ran towards the door.

"Where are you going?" Aria yelled.

"Home." I yelled back and left.


When I got home I ran upstairs to my room and locked the door behind me. Tears were escaping my eyes and I didn't even try to keep them in.

I woke up the next morning still on the floor. I looked up at the clock and saw 7am. "Shit." I mumbled and got up running to the shower. I took a quick shower then went to get dressed and put on some makeup.

 I took a quick shower then went to get dressed and put on some makeup

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I took a look at the clock again and saw 7:50am. I ran downstairs and saw that no one was there. I guess Aria didn't wait for me.

As I entered the school I saw Tom next to a locker making out with some bitch. I ran towards him and shoved him to the floor.

"Are you insane?" He yelled.

"I indeed am. What the fuck are you doing?" I asked taking a look at the girl.

Before Tom could say a word Aria came from behind me.

"What the fuck happened here?!" She asked raising an eyebrow.

"Your little boyfriend here is making out with this red headed hoe." Aria's eyes widened as she walked towards Tom and slapped him straight across the face. She quickly left after and ran towards the bathroom. I followed after her and saw her sat on the floor sobbing into her legs. I walked up to Aria and sat next to her hugging her.

"Why would he do this?" She kept sobbing.

"He's a player and you know it. They both are such assholes." Aria let out a chuckle and lifted her head with a smile. "Thank you." She mumbled and got up. I followed after her and we went to our first class sitting next to each other.

The whole day was boring. Tom and Bill kept staring at us, but we tried ignoring them the best we could. Right now we were getting ready for some concert mine and my sisters friends wanted us to go. I don't remember what it's called, but the thing I know is, I don't listen to their music.

 I don't remember what it's called, but the thing I know is, I don't listen to their music

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Aria had a similar outfit to mine. We loved matching it was cute. As soon as we were ready we ran to the car and drove off. On the way we picked up our friends that wanted us to go there.

As we got there it was crowded. Like super crowded. I guess there are really famous. After waiting for a while we got in and made our way to front row. I don't want to know how much money Evie and Faith had spent on these tickets.

As the concert started, screaming was all I could hear. The lights were off till I heard a familiar voice and when the lights went back on my eyes widened. I quickly turned towards Aria who had the same expression as me. We both looked back at them and their attention was turned towards us.


A/N I don't even know how I managed to write this. The cramps are killing me and I have my period for the second time this month. I'm so pissed off.

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