𝑃𝑎𝑟𝑡 6

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I quickly ran out the doors. I couldn't bare being in the same place as them. I stopped by a tree and sat down. I don't know for how long I've been sitting here, but it felt like an hour and it probably was. I felt someone sit next to me as my head was still buried in my lap.

"Hey." I heard Bill's sweet voice.

"What." I replied sniffing.

"Look Adeline, I'm fucking tired of you avoiding me I know I fucked up, but I'm really sorry. I want to make up for the mess. Please." I turned to look at him still sniffling.

Bill POV:

She turned to look at me with her red puffy eyes. I have really fucked up. I like her so fucking much. Every time I see her she drives me insane. I need her and I can't stand looking at her all messed up.

I brushed off some tears that fell down her cheeks and hugged her tightly. She rested her head on my chest and closed her eyes.

After a while of sitting there I turned to look at her face. She was sleeping peacefully. I picked her up and went inside to meet the band.

As I got inside I saw Aria and two other girls there talking with the band. Well Aria was pacing around probably wondering where Adeline was. Her head snapped towards me and ran to us as she was about to scream, but I shushed her.

I placed Adeline on the couch and rested her head on a pillow as I turned towards the others.

"What the fuck happened." Aria whisper yelled.

"Long story." I sighed. She looked confused, but nodded.

Tom was talking to Aria while Georg and Gustav were talking to the new girls which I assume were Evie and Faith.

I heard a noice and turned towards Adeline who was slowly waking up. I quickly got up and sat next to her.

Her whole makeup was smudged, but she still looked beautiful.

"Hey, you okay?" I asked her. She mumbled an 'mhm' and sat up.

After a while of talking we dropped the girls off and went to our house.

The four of us sat on the couch and talked for a while. "So you like that Evie girl?" Tom asked Georg who nodded. "She's cute." "So is Faith." Gustav added. "I think y'all found your girls." I said and winked at them. Georg shoved me making me burst out laughing.

"What about that Adeline girl, you probably want to fuck the shit outta her." Georg said making me stop laughing. I gave him a glare as I sat up. "Fuck off and no." They looked surprised at my answer? Wtf I'm not the player here Tom is. They all exchanged looks and returned to their normal conversation.

What the fuck are they on? I don't want to fuck her. Or do I? Shut the fuck up Bill, no you don't.

I stormed off to my room and shut the door then threw myself on the bed as I closed my eyes and went to sleep.

Adeline's POV:

I woke up and rubbed my eyes as I slightly sat up. I looked to my left and saw Faith sprawled on the floor. Could this girl not get in bed with me? I assume Evie is in Aria's room, because I don't see her here.

I got up from bed and went to take a shower then brushed my teeth and walked towards Faith to wake her up. I shook her a bit and she groaned rubbing her eyes while getting up.

"Where am I?" She asked.

"At my house dumbass." I laughed a little.

She finally looked up and saw me wrapped in a towel. "Pretty view." She smirked. I hit her arm lightly and pulled her up pushing her into the bathroom. While she was showering I got dressed and sat on my vanity to do my makeup.

 While she was showering I got dressed and sat on my vanity to do my makeup

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As she got out she looked me up and down and smirked. "Hot." She mumbled and went over to my closet.

"I can borrow some clothes right?" She asked turning her head towards me. I nodded and started straightening my hair out.

As Faith got dressed I looked at her outfit and smiled. She had some shorts similar to mine with a kind off corset top without straps and some converses on. She sat down on my vanity as she started doing her makeup while I was straightening her hair. Once we were ready we got downstairs and sat on the table waiting for Aria and Evie.

Not long after they got downstairs and sat next to us.

"Morning bitches." Faith said tossing them plates with some eggs.

"Morning." Aria and Evie mumbled. I laughed a little and started eating. Once we were done we got out of the house and walked towards a park. We walked around and talked about random things until Evie stopped us.

"Wanna get coffee?" She asked.

We all nodded and went to a cafe where we sat down while Aria was ordering our drinks. She came back and we talked about the band while waiting for our coffee to come.

"So y'all like someone?" I asked Evie and Faith.

"Georg is hot." Evie said smiling. "So is Gustav." Faith added making my smile wider.

Me and Aria started jumping out of joy and people were giving us strange glances.

"Slow down we don't even know if they like us." Evie said her smile fading.

"Y'all are gonna hate me for this, but.." I snatched their phones and ran to the bathrooms locking the door behind me.

"ADELINE." They both yelled banging on the door. I quickly called Bill and waited for him to pick up.

"Heyyy." He said dragging the 'y' out.

"Long story short give me Gustav's and Georg's numbers."

"Why?" He asked.

"Just give them to me." I yelled.

"Okay jesus. ******* is Georg's and ******* Is Gustav's."

"Thank you love you bye." I said and hung up the phone.

I dialled the numbers and saved the contacts.

I slightly opened the door and saw the two girls looking annoyed. I handed them their phones with a slight smile.

They scoffed and grabbed them.

"Don't worry I didn't do anything just saved their contacts" I said as they looked at their phones while smiling.

We sat back down at the table and drank our coffee talking about random things.

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