𝑃𝑎𝑟𝑡 24

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I've been rotting in my room for the past days. Bill really fucked up and I didn't expect this from him. I sighed as I got out of bed and went downstairs. As I walked down the stairs I saw two familiar frames. No fucking way.

"No, what the fuck is he doing here?" I asked my sister.


"I wasn't asking you." I cut him off.

"Please, Adi just hear him out." Aria said.

"Fine, but I give him a minute then he leaves."

He smiled and we went upstairs.

He kept quiet.

"Are you gonna talk or?" I asked.

"Right..yeah I'm sorry." Bill said.

"Is that it?" I asked.

"No, look Adeline I really am sorry I didn't mean for any of this to happen. I was drunk okay? And before you say anything I know it's not an excuse, but just hear me out. She's my ex I didn't mean to kiss her, she forced me-"

"Get out." I spat.

"What?" He asked.

"Get the fuck out Bill."

"Adeline wait-"

"Get the fuck out I need time." I said as he nodded and left the room. I sat on my bed the tears flowing from my eyes onto my palms. I can't take this anymore it's too much. Why did he do this? How could he think I'll forgive him this easily. I fucking hate him for this.


I woke up from a nap my eyes bloodshot red as I sat up. I went downstairs again seeing Aria and Tom laying on the couch. They looked up to me as their eyes softened.

"No luck?" Tom asked as Aria shushed him.

She got up from the couch and walked up to me hugging me tightly. "It's okay love. I know there is another reason to why he did this. Give it some time." She told me rubbing my back.

"I'll think about it." I said.

Tom got up and joined the hug as well. After I watched some movies with them and Aria made diner. After we ate I went up to my room and fell asleep thinking about what I would do with Bill.

Should I forgive him? Or give it some time and see?

𝑨/𝑵 I haven't updated in like 2 weeks? Idk, but I'm so fucking sorry I know y'all hate me.

I have gotten a new crush and he is the best boy ever. He is a year older and we're from the same school. Today I went to check up on him and had to walk to the fourth floor bc he couldn't think straight or walk cuz bro got high on a school day. Anyways when I went to see him the first thing he asked me is if his eyes were too red. And when I asked him what class he had he said geography and then I told him I had bulgarian, but like a minute later he asked me what class I had and we died laughing.

I think I fucked up. I kept sending him red thoughts and now he's horny and he told me that he couldn't wait till monday to see me and then he told me to stop teasing him, but I kept going and I told him that he's probably hard then he said that I couldn't imagine, but I told him that I could fix it and he replied with "too late"😭😭

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