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Chapter two


I could strangle her- no, scratch that- I am going to strangle her when I find her. How could she do this? How could she run off on her own to find some man she knows nothing about? I get it, she felt some sort of nostalgia after Mom spilled the truth about our sperm donor. Still, how could Phoenix do something so stupid?

Every curse word imaginable has gone through my mind on this drive to fucking Arizona. I swear, the second I see my sister, she's going to get a piece of my mind. I love her to death, but this has got to be one of the dumbest things she's ever done. She took off, leaving only a note behind. Going on about how she has to find out more about the man who fathered us.

Fuck that!

If Elias West gave a damn about our mother or anything that happened to her, he never would have left. That should be everything Phoenix needs to know about the jackass. If by some chance, he gives Nix the time of day, I'm sure it won't last. Nothing does with men like that.

Lucky for her, I found her note as soon as I got home from work. She shouldn't have much of a head start on me, but I can't help but worry. If things are going the way I expect they are and she's in some kind of trouble... Well, I have a plan for that. It's sitting in my backseat, ready to go if I need it.

No one fucks with my family. No one.

I check the GPS again, hoping nothing is wrong as I speed along the highway to the destination Phoenix was last stopped at according to her phone tracker. At least she didn't disable that. Maybe she did so as a precaution, in case things went sour on her little adventure.

Fuck, I can't think like that. Everything will be fine. I'll find Phoenix, get her the hell out of Arizona and away from Elias West and his gang, and we'll go back to our happy little lives. I mean, seriously, what the hell was she thinking? Going alone to find a man involved in a motorcycle gang across state lines- that's insane!

She may have book smarts, but she has little to no street smarts.

I shake my head in annoyance. Damn it, Nix!

I told her so many times that this was a bad idea. I had a feeling that things would go sour if she inserted herself into the life of a man who knows nothing about our existence. What if he thinks she's lying to try to scam him? What will he and his big biker gang do to her?

My foot presses harder on the gas as my fists clench around the steering wheel. I have to get there ASAP. If Phoenix is in trouble...

I think back to my insurance plan in the back seat. Let's just hope it doesn't come to that. I'm not above kicking someone's ass for hurting my family. I'm just not sure I can take on a whole MC by myself.

Nix will try to help if she can, but she's always been the sweet, soft one. And me, well, I'm the mean, nasty bitch to her sunshine. It must be the whole yin and yang twin thing Mom always told us about. We couldn't be more different for two people who shared a womb for nine months. Mom always said we balanced each other out. She was right, of course.

She always was.

Damn, I miss her!

I huff a sigh. Things were never easy for us, especially after Mom got sick. Nix had to drop out of college to stay home to take care of her while I worked three jobs to pay all the bills. Mom needed round-the-clock care toward the end, and it was too expensive to hire a nurse to come to take care of her, so Nix was our only option. The rest of Mom's family was either dead or lived too far to help, so it came down to the two of us to make sure she lived her last months comfortably.

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