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Chapter Seven


I still can't believe this is real. We're here in Arizona with our dad, starting a new chapter in our lives with the man who was once Mom's prince charming. It's still a lot to take in, but I'm so excited to see where this road will take us.

Raven is on edge, still keeping a watchful eye on everyone and everything that gets close to us. She's protective of those she loves- it's one of my favorite things about her. She'd go to the end of the Earth to fight for those she loves to keep them safe. She's done it our whole lives.

I shoot her a smile as she sits down next to Jesse at the kitchen table. He seems to be one of the few she can tolerate out of this bunch. She nods her head my way in greeting as Jesse grins at his new neighbor. Maybe their newfound friendship will soften her to the idea of staying here.

It's something I can hope for anyway. The sound of bacon popping in a pan grabs my attention, and I go back to helping Lace make breakfast. More and more of the club members trickle in, waiting patiently for a plate, saying hello to me and Lace.

She's been so kind to me and my sister since we arrived. She's even explained the hierarchy of the MC. Apparently, it's a pretty big deal. There's Elias- club President, also known as Viper by many of the guys. Then there's his VP- and Lace's uncle- Bear, who still watches Raven and me with vigilant eyes. There's Raptor, of course. He's the current club Treasurer. He was voted into the position after the last one died unexpectedly. I wonder what happened to him. Maybe in time, I'll hear the story.

The one they call Hammer is the club's Sergeant at Arms. He and Reaper work together a lot. Lace wouldn't go into details on much, but Reaper is the club's Enforcer. I guess if someone tries to stiff one of the businesses, he's the one they send to make sure debts are paid. I'd hate to be on the receiving end of that visit. That man is intimidating.

There are several family ties in the club too. Jesse runs the bar with his dad, Miguel- the club's Secretary. Then you have Carson and Colton- brothers who are affectionately known as Stitch and Tweak respectively. I know there's a story there, but it hasn't been shared with me yet. I've seen Carson eyeing Lace several times already. Perhaps there's something brewing between the two of them. I'll have to ask her about it later.

Speaking of things brewing... Raptor enters the room, making me nearly drop the plate I'm dishing up. The closer he gets, the faster my heart starts beating. As he approaches, a sexy smile forms on his lips. My knees almost buckle.

"It smells delicious," he tells me, grabbing the plate from my hands.

My cheeks burn as I mumble out a thank you. I watch as he takes a seat, turning to look at me before digging in. It's really not fair how hot he is, or how easily he can make me blush.

I turn around, hoping no one noticed how red my face was. From the corner of my eye, I see Lace glancing my way. Reflexively, I look up at her. She shoots me a knowing look and nods before flipping an egg in the pan in front of her. At least she seems supportive of my little crush.

We finish dishing up breakfast as everyone busies themselves with conversations around the table. After everyone has eaten, the men slowly disperse, heading to different club-owned businesses to start the work day.

Elias starts to leave, but I stop him. We haven't had much time to talk since the results came in. And after squaring things away with Raven, I know this conversation needs to happen sooner rather than later.

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