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Chapter Fifteen


It's been a strange couple of weeks. Everyone has been acting differently, almost as if they're on edge, waiting for something bad to happen. I don't know what to think of it.

Raven has been hovering, which is not something she ever does. Lace has been weird. And Raptor has shown up at the house several times to 'check out the new place'. Okay, so maybe that last one doesn't bug me so much, but he's even acting strange. Though, he does a better job at hiding it than Lace and my sister.

I just don't know what to make of any of it.

The extra time I've been able to spend with Raptor lately because of it- yeah, that's been amazing. He's opened up a bit more with me about things- his favorite bands, his hobbies, how he wanted to be a racecar driver when he was little. That part has been incredible. Almost incredible enough to make me forget how strange everyone is acting.

I decide to shrug it off as I head for my classes. At least I have that to distract me. It feels like part of my life is starting to finally come together. I've dreamed of getting my degree for so long, and now I'm finally taking the steps to get there.

Mom would be so proud.

I smile at the thought and let myself get lost in academia for the next several hours, not giving another thought to the way everyone has been acting. At least for a little while.

By the time my classes are finished for the day, it's late in the afternoon. A strange feeling overwhelms me as I walk to my car. It's an eerie feeling that sends shivers down your spine. The kind you get when it feels like someone is watching you.

I look around, checking my surroundings for anything that screams danger, and find nothing. I shake my head, laughing to myself. Way to go, Phoenix, freaking yourself out over nothing.

But the feeling doesn't go away. I'm about to jump in my car when I feel it again. Only this time, it's stronger. I look up and see a man staring at me from the next lane over. I've never seen him before in my life, and the look in his eyes makes my skin crawl.

In record time, I fly out of the parking lot and head home, taking a different route than usual, watching behind me to make sure I wasn't followed. When I'm certain no one is tailing me, I make my way home. I throw my car in park and let my head tilt against the seat.

This is stupid! No one was following you. The guy in the parking lot was probably just zoning out. You're being paranoid!

I shake my head again, chastising myself for letting so silly get to me. I mean really, why would anyone be keeping tabs on me? It's ridiculous.

Raven passes me in the kitchen on her way to work. "Hey, Nix. How were classes?"

"Great! I'm enjoying them so far," I tell her, tempted to mention the parking lot incident, but deciding against it. I'd hate to get her worked up over nothing.

"I'm glad to hear it. I've got to go, but if you're hungry, there are leftovers in the fridge."

As Raven disappears, I settle in to finish my homework. By the time everything is complete, my stomach is begging for food. I dig into the fridge and make myself a plate. My mouth is salivating as I punch in the time on the microwave and hit start.

Just as the machine fires up, the lights on the microwave go out with a flash. The buttons stop working and nothing I do magically fixes the faulty appliance. Crap!

I send a text to my dad, asking if he has the landlord's number. He set everything up for us when we moved in, saying the landlord was a friend of Bear's, but we never got a number to call if things went wrong. Strange, but I never thought much of it until now.

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