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Chapter Twenty-Four


Raven and I waited for the closed-door meeting to end. She was nervous, I could tell. She put on a brave face and tried to keep me distracted with small talk, but I could tell something was eating at her. And I had a sneaking suspicion this meeting was part of it. After the discussion with Mason and my father, I didn't need much to distract me.

Mason told my dad he cared about me. He would have left the MC to be with me. It made my head spin and my heart soar. I knew how I felt, but he'd never said aloud how deep his feelings went for me. I started to fantasize about what it all meant, what it could be when the door to the meeting room burst open.

The guys filtered out, Dad, Hammer, and Bear taking up the rear. Dad grabbed Mason's shoulder and said something I couldn't hear. Mason nodded before flitting his eyes in my direction.

When my dad let him go, he made his way to me. "Hey, I have to take care of something. Are you good to head back with Raven and the guys?"

I nodded as a twinge of sadness hit me, knowing he wouldn't be coming back with us. He gave me a sad smile as he grabbed my face gently, leaning his forehead against mine. "I won't be too long. I'll be sliding into bed with you before you know it," he promised, kissing the crown of my head.

"Hey," my dad yelled, "that shit ain't gonna take care of itself! Get goin'!"

With a nod and a quick kiss, Mason left with a few of the guys, leaving me feeling cold in his absence. I cast a glance at my dad, who looked like he was about to burst a vessel in his forehead. I wasn't sure if it was because of the meeting or what he just witnessed between Mason and me, but he quickly looked away, unable to look me in the eye for long.

Maybe that display of PDA wasn't the wisest choice...

"You two get my girls back safe," he was telling Reaper and Jesse.

I felt my sister come up beside me before whispering in my ear, "Did you see the vein in Viper's forehead when Raptor kissed you?" She started laughing. "I thought his head was going to explode. Good job, Sis," she teased.

My eyes flew wide as I looked at her. "I'm only joking," she reassured me. "Guess Daddy Dearest doesn't like his guys poking around his little girl."

She nudged my side as she smirked. "If he only knew, right."

I gasped, snapping my head toward Dad to see if he heard her. "Raven!"

"Relax. He didn't hear me. He's busy having a talk with old Grizzly Bear. Besides, he has no right to tell you who you can or can't fuck."

My jaw dropped as I slapped her arm, hoping she was done. At least her mood has improved. Even if it is at my expense.

Raven laughed as she linked our arms and pulled me toward the door. "Come on, let's get outta here."

Jesse and Reaper were close behind us as we neared the parked bikes. I looked at them and then back to the approaching men, realizing we'd have to ride back with one of them. The van was being used for whatever job Mason was taking care of, so the only mode of transportation left was the guys' motorcycles.

I didn't have an issue riding them. I showed up today riding behind Mason, but he wasn't here. My only two choices for rideshare companions were Jesse and Reaper. And Jesse had been glued to Raven's side all night, leaving the scary mountain of a man, Reaper, for me.

I didn't mean to panic. It wasn't like he'd ever done anything to us since we showed up, other than enter into the occasional glaring match and insult exchange with Raven- which I think she thoroughly enjoyed- but he was still an intimidating man.

He briefly looked me over before hopping on his bike, looking both bored and annoyed. Lucky for me, Raven seemed to sense my discomfort. "Hey, Nix, how about you ride with Jesse. Lurch over there is kind of a crazy driver."

She gave my hand a quick squeeze as I shot her a thankful look. Her hand playfully grabbed Jesse's side as she walked over to Reaper's bike. "Don't get too excited, Big Guy," I heard her tell him as she slid on the seat behind him.

Jesse laughed, turning to me with a smile. "Hop on, Red. I won't bite."


I knew it was late when someone gently shook me awake. I had fallen asleep on the couch next to Raven when we got back. After the meeting everyone seemed uneasy and I didn't want to go to bed alone. So, Raven sat with me on the couch with Jesse on her other side, watching TV reruns until we passed out.

That must have been hours ago because I still felt the heavy weight of exhaustion as I squinted up at whoever was trying to wake me. My heart stuttered when I realized it was Mason.

"You're back!" I whispered, rocketing to a sitting position.

"I'm back." He smiled, looking tired and weary as he grabbed my hand.

I let him lead me back to my room, untangling my legs from Raven's as she slept soundly on Jesse's chest. Reaper grunted as he shifted from his spot on the oversized chair next to the couch. Quietly, Mason and I tiptoed down the hall, closing my door behind us.

I rubbed the sleep from my eyes as he guided me to the bed. His hair was damp and his clothes were clean. He smelled like his body wash. Part of me was disappointed that I didn't get to join him in the shower, the rest was curious about the job my dad sent him on.

"What time is it?"

He pulled the covers over us, wrapping an arm around my waist when I cuddled into the mattress. "Early morning," he told me. "Close your eyes baby girl, get some sleep. I'm right here with you."

Mason's warm body curled around mine, lulling me into a peaceful state. My questions could wait. Tonight, I'd rest, knowing he was here safe with me.

As we slipped into our dreams, I felt his muscles relax and his heart slow as he deeply breathed me in. I could feel his body calming as he held me tight, needing me just as close as I needed him.  

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