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Chapter Twenty-Eight


My hand quakes as I slam my fist hard against the hanging bag. Over and over again I swing, needing to feel the release that never comes. I'm so angry. Angrier than I've ever been and there seems to be no end in sight.

Since the night we got jumped at the bar, I've felt this way. How dare Dom and his cronies burst into my life like this and turn everything upside down!

I was finally happy...or at least getting there. I liked the way things were before he stumbled in and messed everything up. Now, my nerves are fried, I'm losing sleep, and nothing can curb my frustration- nothing.

Believe me, I've tried. So has Jesse...but even that hasn't helped lately. I'm not sure what will, not til this mess is cleaned up and the war between the Sons and the Bastards is over.

I whirl around and land a hard kick to the center of the bag. I need more. I need a live opponent, someone to help curb this roaring energy inside me.

Stitch and Reaper are tailing me today, working out their own frustrations in another part of the gym. With a huff, I step away from my bag and wander to where they're sparring, leaning myself against the ring to watch them work.

Reaper hits harder and has a good five inches and twenty pounds of muscle on Stitch, but Stitch is fast. He dodges a fist from Reaper, countering with a hard punch to his unguarded ribs. I watch as they shuffle around the ring, exchanging hits back and forth.

When they pick up the tempo, I lean against the ropes, trying to anticipate each man's next move, trying to learn how they fight. Every grunt and smack that sounds with a landed hit has my blood pumping. It's a thrill, one that may finally calm my raging emotions once I take my turn going fist to fist with one or both of them after this round.

I watch as Stitch lands another hit on Reaper. They're taking their time, and I'm running out of patience. "I get next round," I call out. "I take on the winner."

Stitch throws me a quick glance as Reaper narrows his eyes. I don't care who I face. All I know is I need to punch someone. I need to let out this red-hot energy. Now.

They start moving faster, hitting twice as hard, throwing more punches. Soon, this fight will be over soon and then I'll get my turn.

In the blink of an eye, Reaper takes a hard punch to his stomach, doubling over. Before Stitch can land another blow, he spins around, knocking Stitch off balance and pummeling him to the floor.

Reaper twists his arm into an unnatural position, forcing him to tap out and concede the fight.

With a smirk, Reaper faces me. "Guess it's your turn. You sure you wanna do this?"

I reply with a dangerous smile, "Absolutely."

Stitch eyes us warily. "She's stronger than she looks, man."

Reaper's jaw tightens. "I'm aware."

His eyes meet mine in a challenge as I slide inside the ropes. I pull up my stance, giving him a cocky smile. "Let's dance, Big Guy."

And we do.

After a long while, I find myself surprised, excited even. My nerves are finally calming. With every jab, something inside me loosens.

Reaper is surprisingly nimble, he's moving faster than he did with Stitch, making me work for every hit I'm able to land on him. He lands a few as well, hard hits to my arms and legs, not taking it easy on me because of what's between my legs. A worthy sparring partner at last!

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