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Chapter Five


A bright ray of sunshine hits my face as I start to wake up. I turn my head away, hearing someone grumble next to me. My gaze focuses on Raven as I remember everything that happened yesterday.

It almost doesn't seem real. I can't believe I actually did it- came here to find our father. It's so unlike me to do something so bold, but I had to see him. I couldn't sleep another night not knowing who he was.

My sister turns over next to me, falling back to sleep. I doubt she slept well last night, worrying about everything that happened. She's always been like that, protected me when things looked dangerous. She always said it was her duty as the older twin to look after me. I always admired her for that.

I slowly ease my way out of bed, making sure not to disturb Raven as I head toward the bathroom. After shutting the door behind me, I nearly trip over myself when I see a man sitting on a folding chair outside the door. Not just any man, Raptor in all his tattooed glory.

I clutch my chest as I steady myself. Raptor looks up at me and I swear I see a hint of a smile on his flawless face. "Morning," he tells me in a husky voice.

"Hiii," I reply back in an airy voice, showing him just how dreamy I think he is. My eyes widen as I realize what I just did so to add fuel to the flame I throw him a fast hand wave. I could have fallen over with embarrassment. Why do I do these things?

Resisting the urge to turn back around and spend the rest of the morning locked in the bedroom, I push toward him, trying to hide my face behind a curtain of hair. My cheeks are blazing, I can feel it, and I don't want him to notice he has this effect on me.

I gesture toward the bathroom, hoping to distract him from my social awkwardness. "I- I was just going to..."

He quirks a smile. "Be my guest."

When he settles into his seat, crossing his arms over his chest, I quickly scurry off. My heart is pounding as I shut the door behind me, hoping I didn't make a complete fool of myself. I don't know what it is about this guy that turns me into a complete dork. He's just so...

Hot, sexy, mysterious, you name it, he probably fits the bill. And when he smiled at me just now- oh my, lord! I almost melted. Guys like that never look my way twice. I'm too soft, too sweet for them normally. Raven is more their type. She's tough and bold, gorgeous and outgoing. Raptor and guys like him, usually go for girls like her... Or like the bimbos that waltzed in last night like they owned the place. Girls who go after what they want, not the bumbling idiot who makes conversations awkward.

I shake my head and hurry about my business. I stop at the mirror, trying to make myself look presentable before I open the door again. Raptor is still sitting in the chair, looking like a modern-day Greek god as he cracks his knuckles. Jeeze, how does he make that look sexy? It's not fair.

Before he notices me staring, I compose myself and walk his way. I plant a smile on my face, hoping to redeem myself from earlier. I will not make myself look like a complete moron in front of him. He sits up straighter in the chair when he notices me approaching. The look on his face is different than before, almost as if he's nervous.

It's adorable, really, and almost makes me feel a little better about acting like an unsocialized oaf earlier. I open my mouth to greet him when it happens. The blonde from last night comes trotting up the stairs, her eyes laser-focused on Raptor. There's no question why she's up here. She wants him, and the smirk on her face tells me she won't stop until she gets him. Again.

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