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Chapter Four


No way were they splitting us up. I insisted that Nix and I share a room. Who knows what could happen overnight if they separated us? I have some ideas, and that shit isn't happening. Not on my watch.

I hear her sleeping soundly next to me like there is nothing wrong in the world. I'm glad she's so optimistic, but her blind faith in people will bite her in the ass one day. And this group isn't the one I want teaching her that lesson. She may not believe it, but I can tell. These guys are dangerous.

I have plenty of thoughts on what kind of business the two bloodied men were taking care of earlier when they showed up. Probably something for the club. A little errand daddy dearest sent them on. Roughing up a club debtor or some shit like that.

Fuck, Phoenix, what have we gotten ourselves into?

I turn over, trying and failing to relax. Sleep won't come easy tonight, not in this place. My head flops uselessly against the pillow as I heave a long sigh. Kicking the sheets off, I slowly creep out of bed, deciding to visit the bathroom just down the hall. Maybe that's all I need- some reassurance that no one is waiting outside sinisterly, waiting to do something terrible to us.

I'll just take a short walk to the bathroom, check things out, and find there's nothing to freak out about. I keep telling myself that as I make my way to the door. Just see that there's nothing to worry about, then go back and get some rest.

By the time I reach the door, I'm only the slightest bit convinced that the words are true. Then, I open the door. What I find instantly makes my blood boil. The hulk of a man who met me at the front door earlier is sitting outside our room. Elias's night watch.

"What the fuck! They really put a guard outside our room?" I don't bother hiding my annoyance. This jerk can have all of my venom and then some.

Mr. Moody Broody just stares at me. His permanent scowl still etched onto his face. "Cat got your tongue, big guy? Or do they not let you speak without permission?"

His eyes narrow and his scowl deepens. "VP doesn't trust you."

Big shocker there. The one they call Bear doesn't bother hiding his disdain for me and Nix. I know he thinks we're full of shit, trying to rope his Pres into some scheme for money or something. I scoff. "Well, the feeling's mutual."

I start down the hall as my guard shoots out of his seat, blocking my path. "Where the fuck do you think you're going?"

Seriously? I gesture toward the bathroom. "I have to pee. That okay with you, Lurch?"

He tries to level me with another look. I ignore him and start walking again, brushing past him now more annoyed than ever. I hear his heavy footsteps behind me. When I turn around, he's right there. "Are you serious? You're following me?"

Again, he stays silent, looking at me with irritation blazing in his eyes. Whatever. I make my way to the bathroom, Lurch in tow. When I reach the door, I spin on my heels, jabbing my finger into his chest. "If you think for one second you're coming in here with me, you have another thing coming. Stay out here and listen to me piss while you jerk it or whatever, but don't fucking think about stepping a foot in that door til I'm done."

He rolls his eyes, leaning against the wall. I go inside and take care of business, still fuming about the watchdog. Seriously, what does Elias think we'll do, rob him blind? Psh, there's nothing in this house worth taking.

I angrily dry my hands and exit the bathroom. It's no surprise when I see Mr. Moody still holding up the wall- no dick in hand though. Shocker. I was only half-kidding about the jerking-it comment earlier. He seems the type to get off on weird shit like that.

I head back to the bedroom, followed closely by my babysitter. When I reach the room, I make a point to thank my escort for his services, throwing him the bird as a tip. He settles back into his chair, the scowl back on his face as he watches me with aggravation. I throw him a fake smile before closing the door.

Fucking asshole.

I crawl back into bed, wondering why this was so important to my sister. Why did she feel the need to meet our sperm donor? What does she think will happen- that we'll all become one big happy family when the results prove that we weren't lying? Yeah, fat chance of that.

A long sigh leaves my lungs as I turn to look at her. She's so kind and innocent, she's always seen the best in people and had this knack for sentimentality. My polar opposite. I've never met anyone else who loves as deeply and as freely as Nix, except our mother. They were cut from the same cloth. Me- well, I guess I'm cut from whatever hell fire created Elias- my... Father.

A rush of anger ignites in my stomach again at the thought of him. Him and his gang of degenerates. Every single one of them looks dangerous, especially the one Nix has her eye on. Well, him and daddy dearest, of course. I have to keep her safe. I will keep her safe.

I look at my sister again as I whisper, "I'll always have your back, Nix. Even if it gets me killed."

As the words spilled out, something heavy and ominous settled in my stomach. A warning maybe, for what would happen if we choose to stick around this place.

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