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Chapter Twenty-One

A/N: This chapter is NSFW... Enjoy!  ;)


Raptor and Reaper followed us home, parking their bikes in Raptor's driveway in case any rival crew members decided to cruise the neighborhood. Dad implored us to be careful. He reminded us how dangerous Dom and his crew were and told us we would be safer at our place than the clubhouse until further notice. I guess he's worried the Desert Bastards- Dom's crew- will show up there if they have another attack planned.

It's a lot to take in. Twenty-four hours ago, I was a normal adult taking college classes to prepare myself for the next stage of my life. And now, it feels like I'm a character in some seedy television series. Is this real? Am I dreaming right now?

The front door slams closed and latches behind me. So, not a dream. I stand in the living room with my arms wrapped around myself, unsure what to do next. Raptor is watching me cautiously as if he is afraid to get too close.

We need to talk, but I don't really want an audience for that. Should I invite him to my room?

I wrestle with the answer as Raven tosses her things on the kitchen table. "I need to shower," she announces, heading to her room to grab clean clothes.

Reaper trails close behind her, stopping just outside the threshold. When he tails her to the bathroom, she spins around narrowing her eyes at him. "If you think for one second I'm letting you in there with me, you've got another thing coming!" She presses her index finger into his chest hard as she leers at him.

He eyes her finger before meeting her eye again, his face is unamused. "Wait out here and have your little fantasy or whatever. But take one step in that room, and I'm turning you into a eunuch!" She threatens, slamming the door in his face.

Reaper lets out a frustrated sigh as he posts up against the wall just outside the bathroom, crossing his arms over his chest.

Now is my chance. I need to take it.

Reaching my hand out to Raptor, I don a mask of confidence and mentally prepare myself for the talk that is about to happen. He slowly takes my hand and lets me lead him to my bedroom. I shut the door behind us and lock it.

Raptor watches me, sending a curious look my way as one of his thick eyebrows quirks. I shrug. "I thought we could use some privacy. There's a lot we should probably talk about."

He grimaces but nods his head. Not wanting to prolong the inevitable, I sit on the edge of the bed, bracing myself for the conversation I need to start. Raptor sits next to me close enough that his thigh touches mine. The heat from his body has a calming effect on me. I never noticed it before. Just being near him makes everything that's happened a little less terrifying.

"So, Viper told you about the club?" He starts.

I nod. "He said you guys aren't just a group of guys who like bikes and turning wrenches. He told us that the club's side businesses aren't exactly... legal?"

His eyes leave mine, finding a spot on the floor as he answers quietly, "Yeah. That's true."

I swallow hard, scared to know the answer to my next question. "What do you do for the club?"

His head snaps up and his jaw tightens. A minute passes before he answers, "I keep the books for the club businesses- all the businesses." He sighs heavily before continuing, "and when necessary... I run club errands. Sometimes involving fists and weapons."

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