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Chapter Nine


Leaving the house I'd lived in for so long made my heart ache. It was the last place Raven and I lived with Mom. The last place we'd all made memories together. But I knew it was time to say goodbye. It was time to start a new chapter in our lives.

When I turned to head back to the van, I found Raptor watching me. His hulking form may have made some leery, but the way he was watching me gave me comfort. There was a softness in his eyes that struck right through my heart. For a second, I almost forgot how to breathe.


It was getting late, so we decided to stay at a motel for the night, and head back in the morning. I didn't realize how tired I was until my head hit the pillow. Thoughts swirled in my head as I drifted off to sleep. Thoughts of Mom and the house. Of our lives here. Thoughts of a certain tattooed biker that made my heart stutter.

Before I knew it, morning came and it was time to go.

"You girls ready?" Jesse called to us as we emerged from our room.

My head bobbed as I dragged a small smile across my face as Raptor met my eye. "I'm ready."

I looked at Raven only to find her glancing between me and Raptor. The wheels in her head were turning and I knew she saw the look on my face. Finally, her eyes found mine.

"I think I'm feeling a ride." She looked at Jesse. "You up for giving me one?"

His face lit up as he eyed my sister. "You want me to take you for a ride, babe?"

Raven sauntered over to him, letting her palm rest on his muscular thigh. "If you're up for it, big guy."

The tension between them was palpable. Jesse smirked, taking her request as a challenge. One he wasn't willing to give up. He licked his lips as he eyed the hand that lay high on his leg, tempting him. When he looked up, his gaze traveled a searing line down my sister's form. The biker cocked his head.

"Climb on, baby. I'll take you for a ride you'll never forget."

Raven smirked, grabbing the helmet he offered up as she slid easily onto the bike behind him.

Jesse's grin grew as her body molded against him. "Hang on tight, sexy."

I was frozen in place, staring at them after what transpired. My sister, the cold, hard anti-people person, was flirting. I couldn't believe my eyes. She was suspicious of Elias and most of the rest of the gang, but she was different around Jesse. Maybe he could melt the walls of Raven's icy heart. Perhaps he could be the reason she came to accept our new life in Arizona.

A warm hand on my shoulder startled me out of my reverie. My heart thudded in my chest when I turned to see Raptor looking at me. He was biting back a laugh at my reaction.

"Ready to go?"

"Ready," I squeaked.

Raptor dazzled me with a grin as he led me back to the van. I watched, trying to calm my thundering heart as he walked around the front and climbed into the driver's seat. She did it for me. Raven decided to ride back with Jesse so I could have this time with Raptor. Alone. I'd have to thank her when we got back. Heaven knows how much I've wanted to spend time with the tattooed Adonis sitting next to me.

Now, thanks to my sister, I have that chance.

The engine roared to life, and once again, our caravan hit the road. I was excited and nervous. I'd dreamed of having time alone with Raptor since the first day I met him. Now that I had my chance, my words were failing. For several agonizing minutes, silence stretched between us. I thought hard, grasping at straws for something to say to break the ice. But everything I thought sounded lame.

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