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Chapter Twenty-Two


After Viper came clean about the true nature of his club, I was worried about how it would affect Phoenix. She'd built up this idea in her head about our father and the big happy family we could have since he embraced us once the DNA test confirmed we were his. Things were finally starting to work out. She started school, we moved into our own place, and I had a job that I didn't hate.

And then Dom and his cronies had to go and fuck everything up. Well, him and the ancient beef he and his crew have against Viper and the Sons of Sorrow. This whole situation is a dumpster fire. Why couldn't Mom have chosen a normal guy? One who didn't run a gang and commit felonies in his free time.

Fuck! Everything's a mess! I just hope Phoenix doesn't take this too hard.

And now, we're stuck here because Dom knows about me and Lace. It's not too far of a stretch to think he may know about Phoenix too. If we tried to leave, the bastard would only follow us and do God knows what to pull one over on Viper. I can't let that happen. And as much as I hate to admit it, having the MC help watch over Nix and protect her is my best option. I can't watch over her twenty-four-seven, but there's enough of them that they can.

My stomach starts to grumble as I finish drying my hair. I can't remember the last time I ate. All the excitement earlier kept my mind elsewhere. Apparently, my body has different priorities at the moment.

I stalk toward my room, prepared to order pizza as my shadow ambles close behind. We have extra mouths to feed tonight. I'm winding up to toss out a snarky comment to Mr. Bodyguard when a sound from Phoenix's room catches my attention. I move closer and make out the loud cries of Nix and Raptor- not in distress.

My eyes fly wide as I back away quickly. I guess she's taking everything better than I thought!

Before I can muster any additional thoughts on the current state of my sister, a deep voice cuts through the air. "They're fucking."

I snap my head to Captain Obvious. "No shit."

I roll my eyes, and head for the kitchen as Reaper scowls at me. It doesn't take a genius to figure out what those two were doing. Does he really think I'm that stupid?

My annoyance builds as I dial the number for the local pizza place. I opt for the weekly special- buy four, get one free. I'm sure Nix and Raptor are working up quite the appetite. Five pizzas will hopefully be enough- who knows how much these guys can put away.

I put in our order and text Jesse, asking him to take one of the shop vans to pick it up on his way so we can avoid the delivery charge.

Thirty minutes later, Nix and Raptor emerge from her room disheveled and glowing. I can't help the smirk that spreads across my face. "I ordered pizza. Figured you guys would be hungry after all the cardio you were doing in there."

A bright red blush creeps over Nix's cheeks as Raptor pulls her close, smiling widely. "You heard?" Nix asks.

I chuckle lightly as I tell her, "The walls aren't exactly thick here, sis. But it's all good. I'm sure I'll be repaying you sooner or later."

An annoyed grunt sounds from across the room. Nix's eyes widen as she glances at Reaper, realizing I wasn't the only one who heard them. "Oh, don't mind Lurch," I tell her, "he's just mad no one wants to fuck him."

The look I received after that comment would have been terrifying if it weren't so comical. The big lug practically growled at me as he bared his teeth. Fucking rabid beast. Before he could retort, a door slammed outside the house.

In seconds, Raptor moved in front of Phoenix, holding a protective stance and Reaper was at the window, his hand hovering above something in the waistband of his jeans- probably his piece. He visibly relaxed as he moved toward the door. When it opened, I saw Jesse walking up with a tower of pizza in his hands. "Delivery for one Raven West," he announced.


We spread out around the kitchen table and devoured the cheesy pies. Conversation was sparse as we took down all five pizzas in record time. Weariness was starting to settle in everyone's bones. You could see it on each of our faces.

Phoenix was the first the break the silence after the light small talk faded away. "Has anyone heard about Tweak?"

All eyes darted to my sister. She looked embarrassed at the attention, but looked at all three men, waiting for an answer. Raptor responded by tugging her close, wrapping a strong arm around her protectively. Reaper stayed broodily silent.

It was Jesse who finally answered, "Doc got him to his friend who owed him a favor. Had a team ready when they got there to do surgery. Stitch said they think he's gonna pull through."

A loud whoosh could be heard as everyone let out a collective breath. Thank, God!

All around the table, silence echoed as we let the news sink in. It had been a long fucking day, and my body was starting to demand rest.

The pizza boxes could wait until tomorrow, I decided as I pushed my chair back. "Well, I don't know about everyone else, but I'm beat. I'm gonna try to get some sleep."

Nix and Raptor stood and paced back toward her room, bidding everyone a quick goodnight as they disappeared down the hall. Jesse noticed right away and called with a smirk, "Careful messin' with Pres's daughter, man. You fuck it up and he'll have your balls!"

Raptor flipped him the bird before closing the door to Phoenix's room, earning a snicker from Jesse. When he turned back around, he saw Reaper's unamused glare. "What? Just stating facts. Viper gave me the run-around for a week after I had my arm around Rae when we got back from New Mexico. Imagine what he'd do if he found out his Treasurer was banging Little Red in there."

"What the fuck did he do to you after New Mexico?" I demanded, too tired to put the full venom I felt into my words.

Jesse slung an arm around my shoulders and leaned in. "Nothin' I couldn't handle, babe. Just a bunch of extra grunt work."

He threw me a flirty smile. "But it was worth it."

An annoyed grunt sounded from where Reaper sat. Not having the energy to hit him with a snarky comment, I ignored him and told Jesse, "Well, Viper doesn't get to tell me who I can and can't hang out with."

With the smallest surge of defiance aimed at my father, I smiled up at him. "Where are you sleeping tonight?"

Looking around the living room at our single couch, and oversized chair, Jesse replied, "Unless someone takes pity on me, it looks like I'm cuddling Reaper on the couch."

The visual made me chuckle as I shook my head. "How about you stay with me? Ya know, keep the bad guys away and all that."

A heated look flashed in his eyes as he licked his lips. "Well, that would be the safe thing to do." I saw his fiery gaze slowly trail down my body, making my nipples peak.

Maybe sleep can wait a little longer tonight.

I sent him a seductive smile as I tugged him toward my room. The sneer Reaper plastered us with was hard to miss as he watched us disappear behind my door. Disapproving, grouchy asshole!

All thoughts of the irritable mountain man in my living room disappeared as Jesse's lips crashed into mine. We collapsed onto my bed in a heap of limbs. Tongues wagging, hands searching. Our mouths melded together as I felt his erection come to life behind his zipper.

I didn't want to think about anything that had happened over the last twenty-four hours. About what might happen next. All I wanted was to feel something other than fear and anxiety. And Jesse was more than capable of providing me with the necessary distraction. 

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