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Chapter Twenty-Six

A/N: From this point forward, it's safe to assume one or more TW listed at the beginning of the book will be live in each chapter (including the heavier TWs). If any of the heavier topics is a sensitive subject, please proceed with caution. Individual TWs won't be listed for every chapter. 


Nothing much has changed lately, other than everyone being on edge. Even Phoenix is feeling it. Raptor told her about the club meeting, and as much as I hate that she be burdened by that information, she should know what could be coming. I just hate that it's taking something from her. From all of us.

That sense of security we had once upon a time is gone. And left in its wake is this unyielding heaviness. Everyone seems to be holding their breath for something to happen. It's gotten bad enough that Viper has made some calls to his friends up north- an ally club according to Jesse.

He seems to think when the Bastards make another move, we'll need backup. They've agreed to a meeting, but that's still a few weeks away. If shit goes down before then, who knows what kind of hell we'll be dealing with...

I land another hook to the punching bag in front of me, letting loose some anger as my pulse races. Stitch is on guard duty today since Jesse's helping his dad with something for the club and Reaper is out on some errand- probably kicking puppies or stealing candy from children. Asshole.

I was shocked when Stitch showed up to the boxing gym with Tweak. He's not back to full capacity, but he's doing well for a guy who got stabbed and faced down death just a few weeks ago.

My leg connects with the bag, jangling the chains anchoring it to the ceiling. Bag practice is great and all, and coming here has helped keep me calm with everything simmering. But it's not the same as going toe to toe with another human being.

I drop my arms and head to the ring in the center of the gym. "Alright Stitch, glove up. I need a sparring partner."

He quirks and eyebrow as he heads for the gloves. Tweak shoots me a grin. "What? Don't wanna spar with me, Raven?"

My lips twitch as I adjust my gloves and headgear. "Nah, Tweak, wouldn't be fair. You'd kick my ass," I say with a wink.

A hint of pink spreads over his smiling cheeks as he moves closer to the ring. "Guess, I'll just have to referee, then. Keep my brother honest," he says, landing a half-hearted punch to Stitch's stomach.

Stitch grunts and shoves Tweak away. "Watch it, bro, just because you're injured doesn't mean I won't knock your ass out."

Tweak responds with a toothy grin, "I'd like to see you try."

I chuckle as I readjust my headpiece, getting into my stance. As good as it is seeing him in high spirits, I know there's worry simmering beneath the surface. We all feel it. That's why I'm here. I can't sit around and do nothing and just wait for this inevitable war to begin. I'm getting ready, making sure I'm in fighting shape in case those bastards come knocking on our door.

No way will I let them anywhere near Nix if they catch the MC off guard one day. If our first line of defense fails, we'll need another one. That's why I'm here. I'll fight like hell to keep my sister safe even against a deranged MC. I only hope it doesn't come to that.

Stitch enters the ring, rolling his shoulders as he approaches me. "You ready?" I ask him.

He nods, putting up his fists. "Let's see what you got."

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