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Chapter Fourteen


Dom and his crew took their time finishing their drinks. I was starting to wonder if they'd ever leave.

Their beady eyes kept wandering, frequently landing on me. It was unsettling, the tension they brought with them the moment they entered the bar. Everything about them put me on edge.

"J," Archie said, tapping Jesse on the shoulder, "Viper and Bear know the situation. They'll be here soon."

Jesse's eyes never left the group who seemed to make every person in the room uneasy. As if hearing Archie's words, Dom smirked. He and his posse vacated their seats and started for the door.

He gave me one last once over before spewing a cryptic message. "See ya around wild thing."

Fuck you!

"I sincerely hope not," I replied icily.

The men left in a cloud of laughter. I'd never been so happy to be rid of anyone in my life. They were crude and vile, but that wasn't what had my hackles up. They were dangerous. And the last words Dom spoke to me- those sounded like more than just a disturbing goodbye. Coming from him, they sounded like a threat.

Within minutes of them leaving, an echo of loud engines hummed outside. Fuck! Are they coming back?

My fists clenched at my sides. Sharp nails dug into my skin as I watched the doors, waiting for the bastards to reappear. The engines cut and heavy footsteps thudded closer and closer to the door.

Jesse reached under the bar, toward the hidden shotgun that was there in case of emergencies. Everyone in the bar seemed to be holding their breath, waiting to see who walked through the doors.

Sunlight filtered in behind four hulking forms. Elias was flanked by Bear and Hammer as Reaper's mountainous form followed close behind.

"What happened?" Elias asked.

Jesse filled them in about what happened with Dom and his gang earlier. With every detail, the men seemed to grow more tense. "Viper," Bear said, motioning Elias and Hammer to the other side of the bar.

The three men had a hushed discussion. I tried to hear what they were saying, but I was too far away. When all three looked directly at me, though, I knew at least one subject they were discussing.

It seemed they thought Dom's parting words were more than idle banter. They continued their conversation for a few minutes before splitting off. Bear pulled out his phone on his way back outside as Viper talked with Jesse and Archie. Hammer was relaying something to Reaper that seemed to piss him off.

Before I could start guessing what that was about, Elias appeared next to me. "Raptor's with your sister. She needed help at the house," he told me.

It was a message I didn't know I needed until that moment. The whole situation with Dom's gang had my fight reflex on overdrive. Phoenix was safe at school, but what about after? What could happen to her at home when she's alone?

It was irrational, Dom and his cronies probably didn't even know she existed. They didn't seem to know I existed until today- a small relief. Their beef is with the club, not us.

Nix is safe. She's not alone. Everything is going to be okay.

I repeated the words until I almost believed them. Raptor is with her. I knew, at least temporarily, that no one would harm her.

It had been nearly an hour since Dom and his crew left. An hour of hushed conversations and watching the road outside. Viper was on edge. Everyone was myself included.

When he approached me, I was restocking the beer cooler, trying to distract myself from the dangerous situation I was now in. "Raven."

I turned to face him, noting the now neutral expression he had plastered on his face. "Yeah?"

"How bout you take off. Head home and spend the rest of the day with your sister." I noticed it wasn't a question so much as a command, but with everything that had happened today, I wasn't going to argue.

I nodded. "Yeah, okay. I'm sure you and the guys have a lot to discuss," I added pointedly.

Viper met my eyes with a flash of anguish. I almost felt bad for the guy... Almost.

I gave Jesse and Archie a quick goodbye and grabbed my things. When I got outside, I was unsurprised to find Reaper perched on his bike in the spot next to mine. He was back on guard duty.

After everything that had happened, I didn't have the energy to shoot off some smart-ass comment. To be honest, for once I was grateful for his hulking presence.

He fired up his motorcycle when I got to my car and waited for me to pull out. He stayed right on my ass the whole way home, making sure no one got between us, making sure I made it without being followed. A small comfort given the circumstances.

I breathed a sigh of relief when I pulled into the drive and saw Raptor's bike outside. He was still here with Nix, keeping her safe.

Reaper stayed outside even after I locked the door behind me, keeping a watchful eye on the neighborhood. I couldn't help but notice his usual scowl looked angrier, more lethal than I'd ever seen. This time it wasn't because of me.

The pit in my stomach- that feeling of dread that had formed when Dom said his goodbye- started to grow. I knew things would only get worse from here.   

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