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Chapter Twelve


Three weeks. That's all that had passed since our lockdown at our dad's place. Wow, that still feels strange to say. Our dad.

So much has changed in such a short time, but it doesn't scare me like I thought it would. I'm... Excited. Everything that's changed in our lives since Mom's passing has been strange and terrifying and exciting. Raven would probably say differently, but I think even she is starting to enjoy our new life here in Phoenix.

Since she started working again, she seems less irritated. I've even seen her smile a few times. It feels right- like we're exactly where we're meant to be.

Dad stayed true to his word and foot the bill for my nursing program. He even helped us find a place of our own. Rae was just about to give up the search when he told us a place recently became available- a cozy three bedroom just a neighborhood over. It's perfect. And it just so happens to be right next door to Raptor.

What are the chances of that?

Speaking of Raptor... Things between us have gotten interesting. Every time we're in the same vicinity it seems we gravitate toward one another. We talk and flirt and exchange steamy glances, but he hasn't made a move. Neither have I, but I'm paranoid that if I do, he'll turn me down.

He's not the kind of guy that usually goes for a girl like me. It's an anomaly. A textbook case of opposites attract- good girl falls for bad boy... Yeah, how often does that pan out?

I shrug away the thought and start packing my things up again. Our new soon-to-be landlord has been communicating through our dad. We were informed the new house was ready for us whenever we wanted. They must be friends or acquaintances at least. There's no way we would have found out about the place before it hit the market otherwise.

Raven has her suspicions- not that I blame her. I still can't believe it. The rent, the location, everything seems too good to be true. Maybe Dad negotiated a deal for us or maybe the owner agreed to a friends and family discount. Either way, I'm stoked to be getting more space to myself. Space that's a lot closer to a certain tattooed biker that may or may not want to jump my bones.

I'm really hoping it's the former.

My hands freeze as I let my mind ponder the possibilities of having such a tempting neighbor so close by. The things he must be capable of... The ink I haven't yet seen... My skin burns at the thought.

"You okay there, Nix?" My sister's voice startles me as I find her leaning against the door frame.

I shake my head as she stands there, appraising me. "Yeah," I tell her with a cracking voice, "I'm great."

Her lip quirks as if she can read my mind, but she doesn't mention her suspicions. "You need help with anything?"

"I'm just about done."

"Okay," she nods, pushing away from the doorway. "Let me know when you're ready. I'll send Raptor up to carry your boxes to the van." She punctuates her words with a suggestive eye wiggle, laughing when I throw a pillow at her face.

It's a great sound to hear. Raven stopped laughing and smiling for a long time after Mom died. Hearing her now- that makes me think we made the right choice moving here, giving ourselves a fresh start.

Part of me wonders if Jesse has something to do with her improved mood. Since she started working with him at the bar, Raven has been happier. It warms my heart to see her old self shining through again. I've missed that.

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