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Chapter Eleven


The sounds of yelling and doors slamming only managed to make my bad mood worse. What the fuck is going on!? I snatch my phone off the dresser and head for the stairs.

By the time I reach the landing, a flood of bikers bursts into the house. My hackles raise as I notice the varying looks of concern on each of their faces. A few of them grab bags from the hall closet while others whisper to each other in a corner of the room.

Their fearless leader, Viper, appears and starts barking out orders. Within minutes, the house is nearly empty, save me, Phoenix, the blonde skank, Carson, and the Prospect who's constantly hiding his erections- I think they call him Boner.

Before he left, Viper gave his MC lackeys strict orders to stay put. And to make sure me and Nix did the same. That shit has my blood boiling. I don't like being told what to do, especially by him.

I plop on the couch next to Phoenix. "We really need to find our own place."

"I know." She sounds dejected.

That's when I notice how tense she looks. "Hey, what's wrong? You okay?"

She shrugs. "I'm fine," she lies.

"I'm fine," a voice mimics from across the room.

I look up to see the trashy face of Missy Lynn or whatever the hell her name is staring smugly at my sister. She's definitely got something to do with Phoenix's mood.

I march over to her, stopping inches in front of her seat. "I think it's time for you to crawl back into your lair."

She eyes me up and down before answering briskly, "I'm not going anywhere."

"That wasn't a suggestion, bitch. Time for you to leave. Now!" I inform her venomously.

"You can't tell me what to do!"

"The fuck I can't!" I edge closer, daring the skank to take a swing.

"Viper said we girls had to stay put."

"Actually," Stitch interjects, "he only said Raven and Phoenix."

She pouts, crossing her arms in front of her. "Stitch, tell her I can stay!"

Her would-be ally looks between us. "I think you need to go, Misty Ann."

Misty Ann gave me a smug grin. "See he said I can- wait... Did you just tell me to leave?" she turned her attention to him.

"Yep," was his succinct reply.

She made an irritating screeching sound with her big mouth as she gathered her bag. I watched victoriously as she stomped toward the door. "This is bullshit! See if I ever fuck you again, Stitch!"

To her horror, he replied, "wasn't impressed the first time."

Misty Ann let out another shrill scream as I slammed the door in her face. "Bye, bitch."

I move to head back to the couch, stopping halfway there. "You really had sex with that?" I ask Stitch.

He shrugs. "Momentary lack of judgment."

I shudder as I close the distance between me and my sister. She looks up, giving me a grateful smile. "Thank you," she tells me.

"Any time. I take it she was trying to stir up shit with you and Raptor again?"

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