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Chapter Ten


"Why is everything so fucking expensive?" Raven curses as she scrolls through rental listings on her laptop.

We've been looking for a place of our own since we got back from New Mexico last week. So far, our luck has been shoddy. The houses in our price range are terrible- run down, in dangerous parts of town, sit next to the sewage department, or look like they're infested with rats. It's going to be a miracle if we find something slightly reasonable to rent.

Elias has been gracious enough to let us stay here rent-free. He's even offered to let us abandon our house hunt in favor of staying with him at no charge. Raven is fiercely against that idea. And as sweet an offer as it was, we need our own space.

As Raven not-so-delicately put it, I can't get laid living under your roof. I almost choked when she said that, and Elias turned a concerning shade of green. I thought he was going to have a stroke. To his credit, he recovered quickly, choosing to drop the discussion and find something to do at the shop. He still hasn't looked her in the eye since.

She has a point, though. Neither of us would be able to bring a guy home if home was under his roof. And who knows what he'd do if he found one of his guys in our beds... He didn't seem too thrilled when Jesse and Raven started flirting the night we got back. Every time they've done it since, Elias has kept a watchful eye on the son of his MC Secretary.

I'm not sure if there's something real brewing there or if it's just a fun flirtationship between my sister and Jesse. I wouldn't put it past her to do it just to drive our dad crazy. And Jesse is a huge flirt. I've seen him unleash his charm on the rare group of female bar patrons that stumbles into the MC's watering hole. He's a natural in the art of wooing and he's blatant in his efforts.

Raptor, on the other hand, is more subtle. Ever since our road trip, he's been more talkative around me. And the number of smoldering looks he sends my way has increased tenfold. The longer we're here, the more drawn to him I become, the more I want him.

The fantasies I've been having won't be possible if Raven and I are still living with Elias. So, finding new accommodations- and finishing up my school prep- are the top things on our to-do list.

True to his word, Elias dished out the funds for me to register for the nursing program at the local community college. Lucky for me, they were still accepting new applicants for their fall semester. I slid right in with no problem. The only thing left to do on that front is purchase my books and find some way to distract myself from my school-centric anxiety.

That shouldn't be too hard. Especially with Raptor nearby.

As if I'd summoned him with my hormone-addled thoughts, he strode through the front door. His eyes found me immediately and I was graced with a sexy smile. I melted into the couch as he came closer, claiming the empty seat next to me. Our knees met as he relaxed into the cushions, lazily resting his arm on the spot behind my neck.

I grinned dreamily at him. "Hi."

"Hi," he parroted.

"Fuck it!" Raven exclaims, slamming her computer shut. "I'm done with this shit."

I'd almost forgotten she was there once Raptor showed up. She stomps upstairs with her laptop, cursing the housing market as she goes. While she does that, I turn my attention back to the sexy man at my side.

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