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Chapter Twenty-Nine

A/N: NSFW chapter ahead... Enjoy! 


From the corner of my eye, I see Jesse head upstairs with some girl's hand in his. My stomach drops and I look around for any sign of Raven. Did she see it too? Did they get in a fight?

My second survey of the room finds her walking this way with a beer in her hand. She doesn't look fazed at all. I still watch her carefully as she sits next to me, jerking her head in a quick greeting.

I pull away from Mason, looking my sister over for signs of distress. She notices immediately. "What?" she asks, eyeing me warily.

"Are you okay?"

She takes a sip of her drink, shrugging as she replies. "Fine. Why wouldn't I be?"

None of her tells are giving her away. Maybe she means it. I lean closer, still feeling Mason's hand on my back. "I saw Jesse and that girl together..."

No sign of irritation. No anger in her eyes. Just a lazy shrug. "I told him to have fun. I wasn't in the mood tonight."

I feel my eyes blinking as I stare at her. I must have had it all wrong. I know Rae doesn't do serious, but things seemed different this time. She seemed to like Jesse.

"What?" she demands as I gape at her.

I snap my mouth shut and lean back into Mason, shaking my head. "I just thought you two were...you know. Together."

Raven huffs a clipped laugh. "We were only together for one thing. And only when we both wanted it. It wasn't serious. I don't hold him to anything."

She takes another sip, catching my eye again. I must look concerned or sad because she sighs, rolling her eyes. "Nix, I'm fine. Really. If I weren't, I'd be up there clawing that girl's eyes out right now, but I'm not because I literally don't care."

I can feel Mason behind me. I know he's been listening but he's wisely kept quiet and pretended not to. His thumb starts tracing warm circles on my hip, keeping me grounded letting me know he's still here.

He's giving me an anchor for the unnecessary distress I'm feeling over my sister's not-breakup. I know she's telling the truth. I can see it on her face. I'm more upset about the situation than she is, but I can't help it that I want her to be happy. I want her to find someone that makes her heart sing like Mason does for me.

Rae's hand is warm in mine as I reach over to squeeze it, letting her know I'm here for her for whatever she needs. She squeezes back, and I see her lips twitch slightly before she finishes her beer.

"I'm getting another. You guys need one?" she offers, tilting her now-empty beer toward me and Mason.

He shakes his head and gives her a muffled, "I'm good."

And I shake my can, finding it nearly empty. "I could use another," I tell her.

She nods, disappearing into the kitchen. I watch as she walks away, still feeling that pang of heartache for her and Jesse, knowing I shouldn't. I can't help it- I want her to be happy, and I thought maybe Jesse was going to get her there.

When she's out of eyesight, I finally look away, letting my gaze wander around the room. My eyes stop suddenly on Reaper. He's perched in a leather chair, looking annoyed as some girl paws at him from the armrest.

For some reason, I can't look away. Something tells me to keep observing just a little longer. So, I keep watching as his dark eyes snap to attention on something across the room. Following his line of sight, curious at what's caught his eye, I'm startled to find my own land on the kitchen entrance where Raven has just reappeared.

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