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Chapter Eight


It's way too fucking early for this shit. The sun is barely out. What the hell!

I curse under my breath as I get ready for the long trip to Albuquerque. Why the fuck did Elias have to send the MC with us? We could have taken care of things on our own, but noooo, Daddy Dearest wants us to take an entourage.

This blows.

After gathering my things, I head downstairs to find Phoenix, Raptor, Jesse, and the Prospects chatting happily in the kitchen. At least they didn't assign Reaper to this mission. If he were tagging along, I'd probably end up killing someone.

Jesse sees me and plasters a shit-eating grin on his face. He saunters up to me, reaching his arm around my shoulders. "Well, good morning, sleeping beauty. Glad you decided to join the land of the living."

"You're lucky I like you, Jes. Otherwise, I'd probably kick you in the balls right now."

"Aww, come on, babe. Cheer up. You get to spend the whole day with me." He leans in close. "Besides, I know you'd never do anything to hurt me, or my balls," he adds suggestively.

I bite back a smirk. Jesse's a huge flirt. Add to that his eye candy status with his long dark hair, matching eyes, and bad-boy aura- the definition of my type- I can't help that my mind takes a spicy turn. He's one of the few things about this place that make it tolerable. I guess if I'm stuck with the gang regardless, I may as well enjoy some of the company.

"You sure about that, Jes?"

He grins widely. "Play nice, Raven and maybe I'll let you take a ride later..." I watch as he wets his lips.

"On my bike, I mean," he continues playfully.

When I push him away, he laughs, sending me a wink. I can't help the smile that's forming on my lips. He points it out and I flip him off, which only makes him laugh harder. And I'd be lying if I said my smile didn't grow just a little bit. Damn him! Maybe this trip won't be such a bust after all.

I greet my sister, Raptor, and the Prospects- Archie and Boner- before everyone loads up to start our journey. Phoenix and I hop in the van with Raptor, while Boner slides into the driver's seat of the MC's moving truck. Our small caravan is flanked by Jesse and Archie on their bikes as we ease onto the road toward New Mexico.

I settle in in the backseat, hoping to get some more shut-eye, letting Nix give directions to our former home. As I curl up against the window, I can't help but wonder how everything is about to change. It's terrifying not knowing if we made the right decision. I just hope this whole thing doesn't blow up in our faces later.

I start to doze off, listening to Phoenix try to start a conversation with Raptor in the front seat. It's obvious my sister has a crush on the club Treasurer. I can tell by the way she acts around him, the way she looks at him. I get it, the guy is hot, but he's hard to read. That worries me. Sometimes I get the feeling he's into my sister too, but I can't tell for sure.

My sister is hard not to like. She's the light in the darkness, the sunshine on a cloudy day, the nice one. She's the pretty girl, the relatable one, the good one. Nix is a stark contrast to me- the dark, bad, tough, bitchy one. The rough around the edges one that no one wants to get close to.

It works for me. It's the only way to make sure I won't get hurt- to push people away. That's how I stay strong. Getting to know people, letting them in- that would make me weak. And the only weakness I can afford is Nix.

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