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Chapter Nineteen

A/N: Content warning for this chapter (see full warning at beginning of book for list of potential topics covered).


I double-check my list as I head inside the grocery store. For a little hole-in-the-wall biker bar, the place actually stays pretty busy most of the time. And our regulars love the food. I never would have pegged Archie as the chefy type, but the guy has skills on the flat top.

I'm cruising through the produce section when I run into Lace. "Hey, girl," she calls, looking at my cart. "Bar run?"

"You know it."

"Nice. Want some company?" She asks.

I shrug. "Sure. Why not."

We wind our way through the store, checking off items on each of our lists, and making small talk as we go. Normally, that's not my thing- chit-chat, girl talk- but I don't mind so much with Lace. She's cool. Very down to Earth with a stable head on her shoulders. Plus, she took Phoenix under her wing when we first got here so, the chick has my respect.

The conversation turns heavy when I ask about the current situation with the club. I still don't have all the details but since Jesse opened up a bit about the club, he hasn't been trying to hide things from me as much as he used to.

Even Viper's mask is starting to come down. He mentioned after the club meeting the other night that I should keep my eyes open, and if I happen to see Dom or his guys around town to steer clear. He didn't say it, but I know since then, the watch he put on me and Nix has gotten tighter. I don't have to turn my back to know wherever I go at least one of the guys is trailing me.

We're standing in line when Lace drops her voice, answering my question, "I don't know what's up. My uncle hasn't said anything besides keep my eyes and ears open and make sure all my doors and windows stay locked. He even suggested I stay with him for a while until things cool down." Her eyes are drawn with worry- a look she rarely wears.

Things must be testy if Bear suggested she stay with him. I'm shocked Viper hasn't insisted Nix and I do the same. I guess having one of his guys living right next door is the only reason he hasn't done so.

My mind starts to drift, wondering what is going on with the club. I'm so deep in thought that I barely register what I'm doing as I check out at the register with Lace right behind me. I'm still zoned out when we step outside. We're about to part ways in the lot when the side door of a van opens up. Four men hop out and block our path.

My stomach drops when I see who it is.


He shoots me a sinister smile as he gives Lace a once-over. "Damn! Viper sure knows how to pick 'em!"

I glare at him, stepping between him and Lace, daring the bastard to try something.

He laughs, raising his eyes as he turns his beady eyes toward me, moving closer. "Mmmm, Hellcat, I knew I liked you."

Before I can respond, Stitch and his brother, Tweak, appear. "Fuck off, Dom! They have nothin' to do with this!"

Dom looks at his cronies then back at us. "Oh, come on, now. We were just havin' a little fun. Just wanted to take a couple of your sweet butts for a ride."

His crew lets out a loud chorus of laughter, further pissing me off. Stitch looks deadly as he growls back, "they aren't yours!"

Another round of howling laughter comes from the fuckers by the van. "Oh, yeah?" Dom taunts. "Are they yours then? Or does your Pres keep the pretty ones for himself?"

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