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Chapter Six


I'm annoyed, very annoyed, and very bored. It's been half an hour since we were told not to leave the house. Half an hour since we became prisoners in this place with two overzealous prison guards watching over us. Seriously, these two prospects haven't taken their eyes off us since Elias left.

It's irritating. And I'm willing to bet this was old grizzly Bear's idea to keep us under lock and key. That paranoid bastard has it out for us. Fucking asshole. Why the hell would we lie about who our sperm donor is? It's not like we had a choice!


I'm about to go stir-crazy when a knock sounds at the door. Thing One goes over to answer it, leaving Thing Two to watch over Phoenix and me. To my surprise, Thing One comes back with a girl in tow- not a trashy one like the bimbo I almost knocked out earlier. This one looks like the typical girl-next-door type- put together and sweet with a wide grin on her face. She kind of reminds me of Phoenix.

The mystery woman turns her attention to us, introducing herself as Lace, Bear's niece. How someone so seemingly kind could be related to that grumpy ogre I have no idea. Lace makes small talk with Phoenix, offering to make us breakfast as I try to think of a way out of this house without my wardens noticing.

A plan forms in my head for my jailbreak. I know Phoenix won't approve, but I can't stay here all day like a captive. I'll go insane. Maybe Lace would be willing to help us out. She's off tidying up the house and Nix offered to help put away the laundry. I guess that's what Lace does around here for these guys- cooks and cleans for them like a house mom. I could never get used to that, one shitty comment about my food and I'd deck the man who mentioned it.

Nix is more the domestic type. She enjoys taking care of people like that. Me- I couldn't be more opposite. Playing homemaker isn't in my blood. I guess I have Elias to thank for that.

While the others start putting away laundry, I head to the bedroom we stayed in last night. I grab my bag, making sure I have everything I need for the day. I can hear my sister's voice down the hall, talking to someone, probably Lace.

I call her name, and moments later she rushes through the door, wearing a flustered look. Something's off. "You okay?" I ask.

Her eyes spring wide and she nods. I don't buy it. I peek out into the hallway, and that's when I see Raptor coming from the direction I heard her voice a minute ago. That son of a bitch!

I look back at Phoenix. "Did that fucker do something to you? I'll kick his ass!"

Immediately, Nix shakes her head. "He didn't do anything! I just got flustered when we were talking, that's all, Rae. Promise."

She's telling the truth. I've known her long enough to know when she isn't. I study her more closely. The look on her face isn't shame or fear. She's bashful, and I have a pretty good idea why.

"We can't get too comfortable here, Nix. We don't know these guys, what they're capable of... I hate to think what they'd do to us if somehow the test comes back negative."

Phoenix shakes her head. "I know it won't. Mom wouldn't lie to us, Rae."

"I know. That's not what I mean. But what if they bring back altered results? What then?"

She sighs. "I just have a feeling. It'll all work out, Rae. I know it will."

Her optimism is one of the things I envy most about her. The way she can somehow find the good in things that no one else can- it's incredible. I'm not like that at all. I see things in a different light- darker, more realistic. I have to, to keep us safe.

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