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*NSFW scenes incoming...*

Chapter Twenty-Five


Phoenix's loud scream pierces my ears as I open the bathroom door. "Oh shit! Sorry Nix, didn't realize you two were in there."

I quickly slam the door shut, trying to hold back a laugh at the scene I just walked in on. "Maybe lock the door next time," I shout as Reaper and Jesse come running from the other room like their asses are on fire.

Holding up my hands I tell them, "Nothing to panic about. Someone just forgot to hang a scrunchie on the door knob."

Reaper eyes me with his standard scowl as he shoves his hand behind him, tucking something into the back of his waistband. His piece.

Jesse on the other hand, looks from me to the bathroom door with a smirk. "You get an eyeful, babe?"

I roll my eyes, giving his stomach a smack as I push by. "Maybe I did." I absolutely did. And I get why my sister fell hard and fast for the tatted masterpiece of a man. The weapon he's packing could drill a hole through anything.

I mean, w-o-w. Good for her!


The afternoon crowd had started to fizzle out, leaving the bar only partially filled with patrons. It was the first time all shift I had a second to slow down. I was lazily wiping down the bar as my mind began to wander.

I couldn't help but think about the closed-door meeting the MC had the other night. Jesse and the others didn't say much about it, but I wanted to know what was going on. Especially if it had to do with Dom and his crew. I had to know if the MC thought more retaliation was imminent.

Jesse elbowed my side. "What's on your mind, babe?"

I didn't waste my opening. "What did you guys talk about at that meeting?"

"Damn, not even gonna ease into it huh?" He countered jokingly.

I squared my hips and stared him down. No way was he going to distract me from getting answers. "Not in my nature. So, tell me."

He let out a long sigh. "Guess it won't hurt... We mostly talked about the Bastards' crew and what more we need to do to sus them out."


Jesse leaned against the bar, taking a quick look over his shoulder to see if any patrons were close by. "And Viper's been sending groups out to do recon... and other things. We think they're regrouping somewhere, but they took some heavy losses to their warehouses after the attack on Tweak. It'll probably take them a while to get their shit together, but I doubt they'll just disappear."

He rubbed his jaw and looked at me before reluctantly adding, "Pres thinks they could be planning something big. We just don't know what yet."

My stomach dropped. I could read between the lines. The warning was there even though he wouldn't say the words. A war was coming. One that would likely lead to bloodshed and bullet holes.

I wanted to puke. It was too late to take Nix somewhere safe- not that I think she'd go if I tried. We were at the mercy of Viper and the MC to handle security now. That meant following orders. And I fucking hated being told what to do.

How the hell are we gonna get out of this mess?

"Hey," a warm hand grabbed my shoulder, "don't worry Rae. We won't let anything happen to you or your sister."

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