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Chapter Twenty-Seven




"Earth to Phoenix."

I look up from my notebook to find Kat and Martin staring at me expectantly. "Sorry, what?" I reply lamely, shooting them an apologetic look.

It's been hard to concentrate since the attack at the bar. Even with my entourage blending in with hoodies spaced out around the library it feels like someone sinister is watching my every move. I've felt that sensation ever since Raven told me what happened. Even here with my friends in the campus library, something just feels...off.

Kat's eyes narrow as she sits back in her seat, appraising me. "Is everything okay? You've been spacy the last few days. Everything good at home?"

I nod quickly, giving her a tight smile. "I'm fine, just haven't been sleeping well," I tell her.

She doesn't believe me. I can see it in her eyes, but she drops it, letting me keep my secrets for now. I'm sure she'll ask again when it's just the two of us, but with Martin here, she's giving me some breathing room.

"See, babe, all's good," Martin tells her, leaning in to kiss her cheek. "That boyfriend of hers has probably been keeping her up late," he adds with a wink.

Kat rolls her eyes, batting him away playfully. They started dating shortly after I introduced them after bumping into Martin at lunch one day. They hit it off instantly and now between classes, the three of us hang out in the library.

It was awkward at first after Martin and I met the way we did, but Kat is absolutely smitten and he has been nothing but kind and seems equally enchanted by my friend. I'm just glad they're happy and that he hasn't made things weird since I turned him down when he asked me out.

I try not to cringe as I shake my head. The feeling of being watched starts to grow and I turn my head, finding nothing amiss. Only Archie posted in his seat, diligently watching everyone around us.

I shake off the feeling and dive back into my work, pretending that nothing is wrong, chatting with Kat and Martin. Since the attack, I haven't been able to relax, but with finals fast approaching I really need to try. Taking a deep breath, I launch myself back into my work, ignoring the sinking feeling in my gut.

After a while, Kat and I head to class, saying goodbye to Martin. As soon as he's out of earshot, Kat tugs on my arm. "Hey, what's going on?"

I can't tell her the truth. Not without putting the guys in danger- and Kat- but I know she's not just going to drop it when she can see something is clearly going on.

I sigh, opting to tell her the only bit of truth that I can. "I'm just on edge lately..."

She stares as me, waiting for me to elaborate.

"The other night, my sister got jumped leaving work," I tell her, leaving out the part that it was a group of men who jumped not only her, but three of my dad's MC members. And that they're likely part of a larger group who rival the Sons and are looking to start a war between the MCs. "It's just messing with me that it happened."

Kat's jaw drops. "Holy shit! Is she okay?"

I nod. "Yeah, she's fine. A little banged up, but she's tough. Honestly the guy who jumped her is probably in worse shape."

Kat shakes her head. "Damn, no wonder you're so spacy today. You sure you want to be here? Do you need to go be with your sister?"

It's not that I don't want to be with her, but Raven insisted that she was fine and told me if I fussed over her, it would just drive her crazy. She insisted I go on like nothing happened, but told Tweak, Stitch, and the Prospects escorting me today that if anything happened to me on their watch, she'd castrate them all.

I know she's right. I can't let what happened drive me into hiding, not when I'm so close to the end of the semester. If I gave up now, that last few months would have been a waste. Another couple weeks and I'll have a break. I can worry then.

I shake my head. "It's okay. She doesn't like it when people hover, and she knows the end of the semester is close. She said I need to worry about that right now."

Kat nods thoughtfully as we continue walking.

I cast a side glance to my entourage who are following closely but inconspicuously. My nerves immediately start to relax. Since we left the library, that feeling I had before has lessened. I no longer feel like I'm under a microscope.

The only way I could feel safer right now is if Mason were here. Dad pulled him for a job reluctantly and sent Stitch and Tweak in his place for the day. He tried to argue his way out of it, but Dad was insistent.

Mason promised he'd finish up his task and meet up with me as soon as possible, but made me swear to text him every twenty minutes to let him know I'm okay. It sucks that he's not here with me after what happened to Raven and the guys, but knowing he cares enough about me to need reassurances somehow makes me feel better.

Plus, with four guys watching my back, it's not likely that anything will happen. Right?

Kat loops an arm through mine just as I finish sending Mason my twenty-minute update. "You know what we need?" She says, pulling me along to our next class.


"A night out. Something fun and chill to let loose a bit. Especially after what happened to your sister. You need something fun to take your mind off it."

I tilt my head. "Like what?"

She smiles widely at me. "How about a double date? You and your man and me and Martin."

I bite my lip. Would Mason go for that? Is that really something we should be doing right now with everything going on?

As if sensing my hesitation, Kat grabs my hand. "Come on, it'll be fun. At least think about it."

"Okay," I tell her, "I'll think about it."

Kat lets out an excited squeal. "Good! I'll tell Martin!"

A chuckle spills from my lips as I shake my head. "I didn't agree to anything yet."

She waves me off. "Oh, you know you will. It'll be fun and you know you could use it," she says confidently.

I can't help but smile at her enthusiasm. "I'll think about it," I reply, giving her side a little pinch.

Maybe she's right. So far it doesn't seem like I'm on Dom's radar. Maybe it would be alright to do something like that...

And it would give me an excuse to dress up for Mason.

I feel the smile start to curl on my lips. Maybe Kat's idea isn't so bad after all.

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