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Chapter Eighteen


Since Rae and I moved out of our dad's place, we haven't had a real meal with him. When I talked to Lace earlier, she said the same about Bear. I guess things have been kind of crazy lately so, most of the time, everyone is scattered.

Tonight, Dad called a meeting with the guys at the bar. Lace and I decided we would surprise them with a family-style dinner since everyone will be in the same place for once.

When we pull up, almost everyone is there already. She shoots me a bright smile as we grab our totes of food and head inside. "They're gonna love this, Phoenix!"

I can't help but mirror her excitement. "I hope so. It's been so long since we've seen everyone in the same place. I hope they like everything we made."

"They will!"

The place is packed when we get inside. All the guys are scattered around tables and seats at the bar, waiting for their meeting to start. When Lace and I walk in with armfuls of food, they all perk up.

"What's all this?" Dad asks after grabbing the box out of my hands and telling one of the other guys to grab the one from Lace.

I shrug. "We just thought we'd surprise you all with dinner. It's been a while since we've all been together."

The corner of his mouth ticks up, and without turning away, he has the guys grab the rest of the food from the car. "This is great, Phoenix. Thank you," he tells me as we walk to a now empty table.

They guys start pushing tables together while Lace and I set out plates and food for everyone. Dad calls Raven and Jesse out from behind the bar to join us. It's just us inside right now, no customers to take care of. So, our timing was perfect.

Rae grabs a seat next to me as she talks to Jesse. On my other side, Raptor snags the chair, flashing me a quick smile as he digs in. We haven't had time to talk about our almost kiss since it happened, but the hand he places on my bare knee tells me he wanted it just as badly as I did. My breath hitches as he gives my leg a squeeze, and I'm instantly turned on.

As if he knows it, Raptor watches me as he slowly brings his fork to his mouth. I lick my lips as his tongue juts out, wiping every morsel of food from the utensil. Oh, the things I want him to do to me...

A gentle kick from Raven reminds me that we're not alone, jerking me back to reality as I grab for my water. The rest of the meal continues with pleasant conversation, heated looks, and more than one under-the-table touch. Each time Raptor's hand moves against my leg, I forget how to breathe. By the end of the meal, I worked up the courage to return his scandalous teasing by sliding my fingers halfway up his thigh.

Not gonna lie- it felt pretty spectacular when I felt him tense up at my actions. And his answering look... That had me ready to melt. Fuck, I need to be alone with him again.

Before I can suggest anything, Dad comes over and thanks me and Lace for putting everything together. He even surprises me by pulling me into a hug. Raven watches wide-eyed as she and Jesse head back behind the bar.

When he and the rest of the guys filter into the back room, what they call church, Lace and I slide onto empty barstools to chat with Raven. She and the prospects are manning the bar while the others are in their meeting.

Looking to the now closed door, I wonder aloud, "what do they talk about in there anyway?"

Lace and my sister share a look before Rae quickly says, "it's probably better we don't know."

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