2008-2010 was a time period where we didn't hear anything from my dad. He didn't show up to Alexis' surgeries, he didn't call. He even stopped paying child support. That made my mom really mad. She would go around the house calling him a deadbeat and other things like that. I didn't listen because he's my dad. Mom used these two years trying to make me hate him. She would say things like: "He has never been there for you. You should let Ryan (my stepdad) adopt you. He's always been nice to you, and has been there." I always said no. Part of me had hopes she and Ryan would split up. That never happened, now I know I'll be stuck with them for years. I still won't change my name though.
In 2010, we managed to find my dad. I was dropped off at his house, without Alexis, and there was a little baby crawling around. I asked my half brother who he was and my brother said: "This is Trey, he's almost two. He's our brother." That was a major bombshell. Not only did I have another brother, my dad had a girlfriend he had been seeing over those two years. When I met her, she said she had met my dad around the time when he stopped seeing us. That hurt. Dad choosing his girlfriend over us. When I told Alexis that we had another brother, the only thing she said was: "I hate Trey." She blames him for dad leaving us. I tried to explain it wasn't trey's fault but that didn't work.
I ended up seeing him more but not a lot. One thing I had found out about my dad was that when mom was expecting me, my dad tried to take his life. And my mom tried to take her own numerous times after I was born. I guess they weren't happy with me being born. I wonder what would've happened if they had put me up for adoption....would my life be better? Or worse? I know this part isn't really feelings, I am trying to make this one facts because if I bring any feelings into this I'll stray from the topic... update soon I promise. <3