Chapter Five

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Everything happened so quickly. I was going for my finishing move when I was suddenly flat on my back. Marc had me pinned and having him pressed against me was doing things to my body. He was straddling me, and I could feel that he was being affected as well. We were looking in each other's eyes and I could see his gorgeous emerald eyes flick to a bright silver. I had never seen silver eyes before. Usually when someone's wolf wanted to come forward, their eyes would turn black. Why would someone have silver eyes?

"Marc...." was all I got out before he crashed his lips to mine.

He was still basically hovered over me, our bodies not quite flush against each other. I felt his tongue run along my bottom lip and I quickly granted him access. I wanted to see if he tasted as sweet as he smelled, and Goddess did he taste good. Our tongues were fighting for dominance, and I wanted to feel him against me. I ran my hands over his chest and gripped his shirt to pull him against me. I could feel his very hard length against my hip, and I couldn't contain the moan that left my mouth.

The moment quickly ended when we heard a cough from the other side of the gym. Marc quickly sat up and pulled me with him. I forgot that Liam had been watching our sparring match until I turned my head towards him. I could see the small smirk on his face, and I immediately rolled my eyes at him. Marc hopped off of me and offered his hand to help me.

Liam started walking over towards us. He tossed me my water and handed me my phone. Between the sparring match and our little heated moment, I was dying of thirst. I noticed Marc's eyes glazing over with a mind link when Liam wiggled his eyebrows at me. I punched him the shoulder before Marc ended the link.

"Liam, your dad is waiting for you. My top warrior and Delta, Jared, wants to talk to you, too."

Liam nodded before making his way out of the gym. I was staring daggers at him and didn't realize that Marc had turned his attention back to me. He had a slight smile on his face, and I couldn't help the smile that was slowing appearing on my face. The words that left his mouth left me stunned, and I am sure I looked like an idiot.

"Did you know you taste like peaches, which is exactly what you smell like?" His eyes flicked to silver again.

So, we both smelled like fruit? I don't know why I found that interesting. I can't say I actually pay attention to how other wolves smell. I just know that Jess smells like incoming rain and Liam smells like apples and cinnamon. I spend a lot of time with both of them.

"Well, you smell and taste like blueberries. I have only noticed that one other wolf smells like a fruit like we do."

I watched him take a deep breath, and I knew he was trying to catch Liam's scent. I knew he found it when I notice him narrow his eyes at me.

"I remember smelling cinnamon apples on you when you arrived today. Why did you have Liam's scent on you? I know it wasn't because you were in the same car."

I don't know why, but part of me didn't want to go into detail about my relationship with Liam. Not that it was any of his business. Part of me didn't want him to think any less of me. What the hell was wrong with me?

"Not that it is any of your concern, but Liam slept in my bed last night."

I heard a growl barely escape through Marc's lips and could see that he was physically trying to contain his wolf. I had no idea why me sharing a bed with Liam was a big deal. Not that we had sex anyways, but it was still my business. I rolled my eyes and sent a text to Jess to see where she was. When I looked up, Marc had relaxed a bit. When I looked into his eyes, I swear I could see a little hurt in him. I had this weird urge to take that hurt away. Without thinking, I snaked my arms around his neck and pulled his lips to mine.

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