Chapter Twelve

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Liam walked towards the bed and gently put me down. He stood in front of me, admiring me as if he hadn't seen me naked before. I felt the bed dip behind me, and I closed my eyes as Marc ran his hands over my shoulders. As he started to massage my shoulders, Liam knelt in front of me.

He started to kiss up one of my thighs as Marc started to kiss my shoulder. The closer Liam got to my core, the wetter I got. I knew the guys could smell it when I heard them both growl in approval. Liam finally made it to my core, and I was awarded with a flick of his tongue.

A shiver ran down my spine and Marc wrapped his arms around me. The feeling of them touching my body alone was driving me crazy. Marc brought his hands to my chest just as Liam dove into my core. Marc started to knead my breast as Liam's tongue did wonders. Marc's lips found my neck and I couldn't help but dig my fingers into his forearms.

The pressure in my core started to build rapidly as Liam inserted not one, but two fingers into my core and nipped at my bud.

"Ah! Yes!"

I bit down on my bottom lip and moved my hips to get more friction. Liam picked up the pace with his fingers and Marc pinched my nipples, sending a jolt of pleasure through my body. I knew I was getting close, so I moved my hands to Liam's hair.

"Fuck, guys I'm so close."

Marc turned my head to capture my lips as Liam sucked on my bud, sending me over the edge. I moaned in the kiss as my body rode out my orgasm. I knew what Liam could do to my body, but adding Marc to the equation? I was in trouble.

Liam kissed his way up my body as I relaxed against Marc's chest. If they could make me feel this good without sex, I couldn't wait until we officially completed the mate bond. How would that work with two mates? I could feel myself become anxious and the guys must have felt it too. Marc turned me so that I could face both of them.

"What is it, Little Wolf?"

"I was just wondering how the mating and marking would work with two mates. I guess I started to get nervous. I don't know why. I promise I want to be with both of you."

Marc kissed my forehead and Liam grabbed my hand, rubbing circles on it to try and calm my nerves. It was working.

"Lex, there is no rush here. We have waited this long for you, and I am sure we can wait a little longer. If it makes you feel better, we can try to research Lycans tomorrow to see what there is to know. This is unchartered territory for all of us."

I smiled before wrapping my arms around their shoulders and pulling them close to me. They both wrapped their arms around my waist and the sparks reminded me that I was still very naked, as were both of my mates. If we were going to truly hold off until we had answers, then we would be needing some clothes.

"As much as I truly want to finish this, I want to have more answers. So, can we all please put some clothes on?"

They both rolled their eyes at me but made their way to find clothes. I found a drawer that had my underwear in it and picked a pair of black lace ones. Then I rummaged through more drawers before finding a shirt of Marc's and lounge pants that were Liam's.

I hopped back in bed as they emerged from the closet and bathroom in only boxers. Marc got on one side of me, and Liam the other. Marc pulled my back to him, nestling his face into my neck. Liam faced me and placed a hand on my hip. Having their touch and scents all around me, it didn't take long for sleep to engulf me.

I started to stir when I sensed something bright in my face. I slowly opened my eyes and realized it was the sun, peaking through the curtains. I stretched my arms out and realized I was alone. I started to pout when I saw a note on Marc's pillow. I rolled my eyes. They couldn't just text me? I smiled as I read the note.

Good morning Little Wolf,

You looked so peaceful that we didn't want to wake you. Get dressed and head downstairs. Jack will have coffee and your favorite blueberry muffins ready. Liam and I have gone to the library to see what we can find. We will meet you in the kitchen.

Cheesy, but sweet. I made my way to the closet to find an outfit for the day. Since it was Sunday, I wasn't going to worry about dressing nice. I wanted to be comfy. I grabbed a pair of black athletic shorts and a bright blue t-shirt. I found a sports bra and got dressed. I threw my hair in a messy bun and made my way downstairs.

Just as my note said, there was a fresh pot of coffee and a plate of muffins on the island. I made my cup of coffee first and took a long sip. I let the hot liquid warm my body. I sat my mug down and grabbed a muffin. It was still warm. I took a bite and almost choked on it as I felt arms wrap around my waist. I put the muffin down and was finally able to swallow the bite.

I turned and smacked Marc in the chest. I didn't even smell him come into the kitchen! Blueberry muffins. His scent is blueberry. I looked towards the doorway when I heard someone laugh. Liam was leaning in the doorway with his arm crossed in front of his chest.

"In my defense, I told him that it wasn't nice."

I rolled my eyes and picked my mug back up. Liam walked towards us and proceeded to make his own cup of coffee. Marc had walked to the other side of the island, making himself comfy on a stool. I leaned my hip against the counter and waited for one of them to say something first. I could feel myself getting annoyed.

"Well, did you guys find anything?"

Liam took a drink of his coffee before answering.

"Not a lot. Honestly, there isn't much on Lycans. The mating and marking are the same as normal wolves. There wasn't any mention of multiple mates anywhere. We honestly don't know much. You seem to pretty unique, love."

I honestly wasn't surprised at the lack of information. It would be too easy to have all of our questions answered so quickly.

'If you complete the bond with our mates, we will get more answers.'

'Are you sure? How do I mark both of them? You usually mark a wolf right before you both reach your peak. How do I possibly do that to both at the same time?'

'Let them mark you together. Let me handle marking them.'

'Okay. I trust you.'

Both guys had been watching me while I conversed with Lily. Would this actually work? I did trust her. She was the other half of me. I finished my coffee and looked at my mates. I could hear Lily purr, knowing what would happen.

"Well, Lily has an idea."

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