Chapter Thirty-One

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My body went rigid at her words. My heat. How did I forget about that? A she-wolf goes through heat after being mated and marked. There isn't a specific time frame for it to happen, just within a month of mating and marking. I've heard that the pain is unbearable. The only thing that calms the heat is being intimate with your mate, since the purpose of the heat is to show that your body is ready to bear pups.

'Are you alright, love? You're kind of freaking us all out.'

I snapped out of my daze as soon as I heard Liam's voice in my head. He and Marc both looked at me with concern, while Catherine looked at me knowingly. I finally noticed the mark on her neck, realizing she must have already gone through her heat. Plus, since she is the pack doctor, I'm sure she has a better understanding of what to expect.

"I'm sorry. I guess with the drama of Zach and then going straight into the Luna role, I somehow completely forgot about my heat. Is it really as bad as they say?"

Catherine smiled at me as I felt Marc place his arm across the back of the couch. Liam laced his fingers with mine, and I instantly started to relax with their touch. I was still nervous, but I was able to focus now. I took a deep breath and leaned back against the couch. I nodded at Catherine to continue.

"To answer your question as a she-wolf who has gone through heat already, yes, the pain is absolutely excruciating. Your body will feel like it is on fire. The scent that your body gives off during heat will attract unmated males. Thankfully, packs prepare for this. We have plenty of she-wolves that can help you, and plenty of mated warriors to help keep unwanted visitors away. Since you have not one but two mates, I don't think you will have an issue. As a doctor, I have learned some ways to make the heat bearable. I will get some things together and you can pick them up tomorrow."

"Thank you, Catherine. I appreciate that. Is your mate here in the pack?"

"Yes, he does live here. As of this minute, Drake is helping a neighboring pack. Their main doctor is currently having a pup, so he is lending a hand. He is a doctor like me and helps run this hospital. We like to help where we can when we are available. He will be back for your Luna ceremony though, so you can meet him then."

"I would like that. I think we should continue our tour if we want to be back by dinner. You can just link Marc when you have the stuff ready tomorrow."

"Of course, Luna. I will talk to you soon."

She walked with us to the exit so she could check on a few patients and send them home. We walked outside and I noticed our outfits we had on before our shifts sitting by the bin. The only difference was the pair of Nikes that replaced my flats. I have no idea when Marc told someone to bring these, but I was glad.

"I didn't think flats would be very comfortable to walk in, Little Wolf. Jess grabbed them so Daniel could bring them with the clothes." I kissed his cheek before changing out of my dress and into the skinny jeans and tank top I had worn earlier. I slipped my feet into the socks that had been stuffed into my Nikes before sliding on the shoes. I folded the dress and tucked it under my arm, wanting to keep it. Surely nobody would say no to their Luna.

"You look cute, Little Wolf. I really like you in that dress too. Let's continue with the tour. We have a few more places to visit, and then we'll join my parents for dinner. My uncle and Anna will be there as well."

I nodded as Liam took my hand. Marc draped his arm over my shoulder, and we kept walking. We made small talk as we went, mainly about the Luna ceremony. I told them everything except for the dress, wanting to keep it as a surprise. As it started to get later, it also started to get a little chilly. I was grateful for the cardigan I had put on that morning.

From the packhouse, I would never have guessed that the territory was so large. In addition to the huge pack hospital, there was a two-story library, a large elementary school, and a variety of different houses. In one area, there were cute little cottages where mostly older wolves lived. The majority of the families lived in modern-looking two-story houses.

It took a few hours to visit all of our destinations. By the time we were finally walking to Marc's parents' house, I was starving. We approached a cute little ranch-style house—white with black shutters and a black door. It had a wraparound porch with chairs scattered around it. The atmosphere here was nice and quiet, secluded enough to relax on the porch without being disturbed.

Before we even reached the door, Maggie came out to greet us. She hugged us all and ushered us inside. Derek and Kevin were sitting at the dining room table with drinks, while Anna was at the stove, stirring part of dinner. Liam and Marc went to the dining room table, where Anna poured them drinks. I went with Maggie to the stove, and the three of us finished preparing dinner.

Maggie and I carried the food to the dining room table, while Anna set out plates and silverware. We all served ourselves and fell into easy conversation. Maggie, Derek, and Kevin shared entertaining stories about Marc when he was younger. Anna chimed in with a few of her own. Kevin told us how he and Anna met. Liam and I shared what it was like growing up in Dark River. It was such a relaxing evening.

I didn't realize how late it was until Kevin and Anna excused themselves to their room. We said goodbye to them and then walked to the door with Marc's parents. We followed a trail through the trees, which was illuminated with lights, allowing us to see through the trees. It didn't take us long to reach the end of the trail, not too far from the gym. We crossed the backyard and entered through the patio door. We noticed Jack and a few Omegas cleaning up the dining hall from dinner.

As soon as we entered our bedroom, I quickly kicked off my shoes. I really craved a nice, hot shower. The guys were engrossed in conversation as they closed the door, so I decided to have a bit of fun. I began undressing as I made my way to the bathroom, leaving a trail for the guys to follow.

I turned the shower all the way to hot and watched as the steam filled the room. Stepping in, I welcomed the heat, facing the shower head and letting the water cascade down my body. I started to wonder if the guys had completely missed my trail of clothes when I suddenly felt arms wrap around my waist. A smile formed on my face as lips pressed against my neck, and the scent of blueberries surrounded me. It was Marc.

He briefly pulled away from me, only to lean back in. Resting my head against his shoulder, I closed my eyes. His hands began to explore my body, and the familiar scent of my body wash filled the air. He massaged the soap into my shoulders, and I realized how tense they had been. After spending a few minutes on my shoulders, he moved down to my arms and then my hips.

Slowly, his hands glided up my sides and then reached my breasts. He began to gently knead them, teasingly pinching my nipples. A moan escaped my lips involuntarily, causing Marc to react against my backside. I pressed back into him, feeling his arousal. Keeping one hand on my breast, he trailed the other over my abdomen, gradually moving towards my throbbing core. With a gentle touch, he brushed against my sensitive bud before removing his hand. I whimpered in frustration, feeling his warm breath against my neck.

"Go to the bedroom."

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