Chapter Twenty-Three

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Two different colored eyes? What else was different about me? I still seemed to be a normal wolf, standing on four paws. I seem a little bigger than before. I watched as Jess took a picture of me while Marc walked to a different corner of the gym. When he walked towards me, I noticed he had some clothes for me to put on. He held a blanket out so I could shift back and get dressed. Jess walked over and handed me her phone. I looked at the picture she took and was shocked.

"My eyes are the same colors as Liam and Marc's. But only in my wolf form, right? Are they back to normal now? What else is different about me? I feel a little bigger than before."

We all sat down on the ground. Liam and Jess were on either side of me, with one of Liam's arms around my shoulders. Jared was on the other side of Jess, while Marc, Jen and Daniel were across from us. They all had an intrigued look on their faces. I rested my head on Liam's shoulder and waited for someone to start talking. It was of course Marc.

"Well, you have the same color coat and still look like a normal wolf. Obviously, we now know your eyes have taken the color of your mates'. Your wolf is in fact bigger now. You are almost the size of Max. I'm sure you can do some real damage in that form. But you are also different in just your human form. I can already tell that your body is more toned with muscle. You also seem to have very high stamina. You didn't seem out of breath or even phased while you were sparring with Liam just now. And you move a lot faster, at least while fighting. I may have you help with training sessions."

I just stared at him. Faster. Stronger. Lily was even bigger than before. This did give us some answers about my Lycan form. I still wanted to know more. There was still so much that we didn't know. Suddenly, my stomach started to growl, and I remembered Marc saying it would be time for dinner soon. I needed a shower, and new clothes if we were eating with the pack.

"Alright. I need a shower if we are eating with the pack. So, how about we continue this conversation later?"

Everyone nodded and we made our way back to the pack house. The guys veered off to go to our office while Jess and I made our way to our rooms. I took a quick shower, letting the water loosen my muscles. I realized then that my muscles weren't nearly as sore as they usually were after sparring. That must be another perk of being a Lycan.

As I wrapped a towel around me and walked to my vanity, I could hear Marc and Liam enter the room. Liam made his way into the shower as I started to dry my hair. I focused on my reflection in the mirror instead of the naked body of one of my mates. I did not want to have to shower again.

As I started to brush my hair and throw it into a quick braid, Liam got out of the shower so that Marc could wash off. I quickly threw on some eyeliner, mascara and lip gloss then made my way to my closet without sparing Marc a glance. I pulled on a pair of black jeggings, a darker blue long sleeve shirt to match my eyes and black flats. I took a look in the full-length mirror in the back of the closet and decided this outfit was good enough for dinner.

When I walked out of the closet, the guys were dressed and waiting for me in the seating area in the far corner of the bedroom. Marc was dressed in dark jeans, a green shirt that matched his eyes, and black Nikes. Liam was dressed in dark jeans, a white shirt that really brought out his tan and all white Nikes. They looked breath taking just like that. I was in serious trouble.

Liam looked up and smirked at me. Marc was scrolling on his phone, but I could see his lips turn up in a smile.  Clearly, they could tell where my head was. Stupid wolf senses.

"Are you guys going to continue sitting there, or are we going to go to dinner?"

They both laughed while making their way towards me. They kissed me on both cheeks before Marc took my hand. Liam followed close behind us. As Marc lead the way, I realized just how much of the house I still hadn't seen. I had to remind myself that I had only been here for four days. Before finding out Marc was my mate two days ago, I had no reason to venture through the house. Now, I had plenty of time to roam the house and the rest of the grounds.

I was taken off guard when Marc started leading us down to where you would expect a basement to be. Liam didn't seem surprised, so maybe he ventured around earlier. Marc walked us to the end of the main hallway downstairs and opened the door to the biggest dining hall I had ever seen. We were a decent sized pack back home, but our dining hall was nothing compared to this.

There had to be at least fifty round tables that could seat eight people. Most of the tables were already full. There was a bar area on the far side from where we were standing. There looked to be every type of liquor you could think of, plus beer and wine. It took A LOT to get a wolf drunk, so this was probably more for just social drinking. It would take the edge off a little, but we could still fully function.

As we made our way through the room, I realized that there were a ton of pack members that I hadn't met yet. Not even half the pack had attended my birthday celebration. This pack really was huge. A lot of members smiled and greeted me as we walked by. A few she-wolves gave me dirty looks, then proceeded to check Liam and Marc out. A few male wolves definitely checked me out when Marc wasn't looking. I rolled my eyes and gripped Marc's hand a little tighter.

We finally stopped at a table that was a little secluded from the rest. Daniel, Jared and Jess were already seated with food. I sat by Jess with Liam beside me and Marc on his other side, closer to Daniel. A few moments after we sat down, Jack along with a few Omegas brought our food to us. It was a simple dish. Baked Lemon Pepper chicken, green beans, mashed potatoes and rolls.

"You got a lot of looks walking in here."

I chuckled around the forkful of food I had just shoved in my mouth when Jess decided to talk. I took a quick drink of my water while I thought about how to respond.

"Yeah. I'm sure most of the she-wolves have pined over Marc for a long time. Not only is the Alpha King my mate, but I also have your brother who is pretty easy on the eyes."

I laughed as she rolled her eyes.

"And what about the looks from the guys?"

I noticed Liam eating and looking towards the guys but could tell he was definitely listening to our conversation.

"They don't bother me. I'm used to it from the guys back at home. Plus, with these two, I already have my hands full. I don't need anyone else."

Liam smirked and we all went back to eating. There was a steady flow of conversation through the room. We all laughed as the guys shared stories of the pack. Marc also told us about Zach when they were younger.

Just as we were finishing and the Omegas were clearing the tables, I felt a chill. Nobody else seemed to notice. I brushed it off and went back to the conversation. A few minutes later, it was like I could feel someone breathing against my neck, but there was nobody there.

'I can't wait to see you in person, Luna.'

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