Chapter Ten

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When Lexi shifted, I couldn't believe my eyes. She was the most gorgeous wolf I had ever seen. Most wolves are either grey, which is what Jess' wolf is, brown or a reddish color. My wolf and my father's wolf are black since we are Alpha King and former Alpha King. My eyes are silver when Max is in control whereas my father's eyes have gone back to his emerald green color since stepping down.

Lexi's wolf was as black as Max. Her coat was so black that there were streaks of blue when the light hit her from certain angles. And her eyes. Most wolves had black eyes, with the exception of me and my father. Lexi's wolf kept her deep blue eyes. She was no ordinary wolf. She was something special. I opened a mind link to my parents and asked them to come over.

I knelt in front of Lexi. I could feel everyone looking this way and I didn't want her to become nervous.

"Little Wolf, your wolf is no ordinary wolf."

I watched her head tilt in question and then look behind me. I turned to see my parents standing next to Liam, looking at Lexi with awe. They had seemed like they knew why Lexi had two mates earlier. I was hoping they would have some insight on her wolf as well. Before I could ask, Jack made her way to us.

I watched as she slowly walked up to Lexi and extended her hand to touch her. Lexi dropped her head and Jack ran her hands through her fur. Lexi closed her eyes and started to purr. Max let out a low growl at the intimate act and I rolled my eyes at him. Thankfully Jack ignored him. She then turned to look at my parents with a curious expression.

"She is the one, isn't she?"

I shared a look with Liam before turning my attention to Jack, who had moved next to my parents. Lexi came to stand between Liam and me. Jess had shifted back, and Jared must have had someone bring a blanket for her to wrap in. I noticed another blanket beside us. I picked it up and nudged Lexi so she could shift back. I held the blanket so nobody would see her naked and then wrapped it around her. She looked confused and I couldn't blame her. I placed her between myself and Liam, with our arms around her.

"Jack, what do you mean she is the one?"

"Well, what do you know of the Lycans?"

"Not much. Just the legends that dad and grandpa used to tell us as kids. They were shifters, but instead of being on all fours like normal wolves, they could stand on their back two like humans and use their front claws like hands. They were faster, stronger, and their senses were even better than normal wolves. But they have been extinct for centuries now."

Jack nodded.

"Yes, they have. But legend has it, that the daughter of two Alpha bloodlines would be born and would start the Lycan bloodline again. She would be known as the Lycan Queen."

I knew Little Wolf was special. But I never would have predicted this. Lycan Queen? This was a lot to take in.

"Is that also why I have two mates?"

"Yes, dear girl. It is the quickest way to build the Lycan bloodline again. With the Lycans, it doesn't matter if they mate to ordinary wolves. They will still have all of the characteristics of a Lycan. I am not sure how your children will be since you are the first in many generations. But I have no doubt they will be special."

My father had been listening and he spoke up next. I wasn't prepared for what he was going to say.

"That could explain the rogue attacks. There are older wolves who fully believed the legend and have been waiting for the daughter to be born. I am not sure how many packs remember that Lexi's mom, Lindsey, is of Alpha blood. If they did, then they would know that Lexi is the daughter in the legend. They will want her for themselves."

I tightened my grip on Lexi. I wouldn't let any harm come to her. I just got her, and I wasn't going to lose her already. The three sets of parents and Jack started talking amongst themselves. Jared and Jess came over to us, and Daniel made his way over.

"Damn Luna. Your wolf sure knows how to make an entrance, doesn't she?"

I rolled my eyes as everyone else laughed. Leave it to Daniel to ease the tension. It was one of the reasons he was my Beta. He could keep a very level head when I needed him to, but he also broke the tension when it was needed. I couldn't have asked for anyone better. Jess came over and wrapped Lexi in a hug.

"How could you possibly be anymore badass than you already were? Two mates with one being the Alpha King and you are the legendary Lycan Queen?"

"I don't know Jess. I don't feel any different. I didn't notice anything different when Lily took over either. But it was my first time shifting so I could be wrong."

I didn't want Lexi to worry until we had more information. I could feel Max getting annoyed about not being able to meet Lexi's wolf, and I am sure Liam's wolf was acting the same. I linked some warriors to make sure the borders were extra protected. The girls should still be able to get their first runs in.

"Alright. How about we go for a run? Max wants to meet his wolf mate. The border will have some extra warriors so we will be safe. Your birthday shouldn't be ruined. We have a party to enjoy still."

I quickly kissed Lexi as our original group, plus my parents and Daniel, started to shift. I looked around at all the wolves. My parents complimented each other. My dad's black wolf with my mom's light grey wolf. Lexi's parents were dark and light brown. Jess and Liam's parents were both light brown. Jess was a light grey that went with Jared's dark grey. Daniel was a reddish colored wolf. Then you had my black wolf with Lexi's equally black wolf. Liam's grey wolf almost matched Max's silver eyes. The Moon Goddess really knew what she was doing.

Lexi's wolf came over and nudged my shoulder. I couldn't wait to complete the mate bond so that we could mind link. Not that I wanted to force her into anything if she wasn't ready. But we wouldn't be able to communicate in our wolf forms until then. I let Max take full control to enjoy time with his mate. He nudged her back and took off into the forest. Everyone followed and you could hear a chorus of wolf howls.

Fate: The Alpha King and His Unexpected MateWhere stories live. Discover now