Chapter Seven

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I felt Max try to push his way forward when we heard Lexi say mate. What the hell was going on? Both of our wolves claimed the other as our mate. How could someone else be her mate? I looked at the group walking towards us. All three guys were unmated. I swear to the Goddess herself if it is Daniel or Jared, I will rip them apart. I continued to watch them and realized that neither of them were reacting to Lexi. It was Liam. He had stopped and was staring right at Lexi. The other three kept walking until they were beside us.

Daniel was the first one to notice that something was off. He looked between me and Lexi, then noticed that Liam wasn't with us. After a few minutes, Liam finally walked the rest of the way to us. I wrapped my arm around Lexi's shoulder and pulled her closer to me. Daniel turned to me with a weary look on his face.

"Boss, what's going on? Why is Max trying to break through?"

I didn't realize that I was that close to losing control to Max. I leaned towards Lexi and inhaled her scent. I could feel myself instantly relax and Max slowly retreated. I heard a growl come from Liam and watched as he went to other side of Lexi. He glared at me, and I watched as his eyes flashed to black.

"Why the hell are you touching my mate?"

Liam's question must have brought Lexi back from wherever her mind was. I could feel her body relax. I was still confused and annoyed. How can a wolf have more than one fated mate? I have never heard of this happening. I watched Liam grab Lexi's hand, and I couldn't hold back the growl from Max.

"She is my mate, Liam. Our wolves claimed each other this morning. If she is your mate, what does she smell like?"

I watched as Liam inhaled Lexi's scent. I didn't like it, but I wanted answers. Each wolf smells the same to other wolves, but there is an additional scent for their mate. Last night, Lexi only smelled like peaches. This morning once she got her wolf, she had honey mixed with it. I knew she was my mate before I even made it downstairs this morning.

"Honey and peaches. That's what I smell. Why? What does everyone else smell?"

I watched as the other three inhaled. They all shared a confused look with each other. The she-wolf, Jen, was the one to answer.

"We only smell peach. There isn't any honey in her scent."

I closed my eyes and let out a groan. I finally find my mate after ten long years, and the Moon Goddess decides that I have to share her? Why did she hate me?

"There is honey. To her mates."

Lexi looked at me. I could tell she was confused. I was confused. I had no idea what the hell was going on. This is not how I expected this day to start. Lexi wrapped her arms around my waist and buried her face in my chest. I could see the hurt in Liam's eyes. Before I could say anything, Lexi jumped away from me with a smirk on her face.

"Wait a minute. What do the two of you smell like to each other?"

Liam and I shared a look. I knew where she was going with this question. Thankfully, I could put a stop to this. Liam and I had met many times since he turned 18 and we never felt a pull. Thank the Moon Goddess for that.

"Sorry Lex. We have both been of age for years and have crossed paths multiple times. Liam and I are not mates."

She nodded and shrugged. She looked at me like she was trying to ask me something but didn't want to say it out loud. I had a pretty good idea that it had to do with Liam. How could I deny her what the Moon Goddess clearly decided she needed? I nodded and was thanked with a kiss.

I watched her wrap her arms around Liam's waste and bury her face into his chest. I expected to feel jealous, but Max was very calm in my mind. The other three made their way back into the house, so it was just Liam, Lexi and myself. I watched as Liam cupped Lexi's face and leaned in to kiss her. They deepened their kiss and I found it extremely hot. I could feel myself grow hard inside my pants. I wanted nothing more than to take Lexi upstairs and complete the mate bond. I heard Lexi moan and was pulled from my thoughts.

"Alright you guys. Unless you want to move this upstairs, I suggest you stop for now. My dick is already testing the strength of my jeans."

They both laughed at me, but I didn't miss them both take a look. I raised my brow at Liam, and he just shrugged. This was going to be one hell of a weird relationship. I hope the Moon Goddess knew what she was doing. Liam and Lexi both walked towards me. Lexi hugged me and gave me a quick kiss. She then gave us both a pouty face.

"I didn't get a chance to have my birthday donut. So, if you both want me to be happy, we should go back to the kitchen."

I couldn't help but laugh.

"Is she always like this?" I asked Liam.

"Ever since we were kids. Her mom always gets these donuts for their birthday. Whenever her or Jess would have a bad day at school, our moms would make them blueberry muffins. Basically, anything sweet will make her happy."

I rolled my eyes as we followed her into the kitchen. We didn't even make it to the counter before I ran into the back of Lexi. She was staring at something, and I couldn't contain my laugh when I found the cause. Right in the middle of the kitchen, in a full make out session, were Jess and Jared. Clearly, Lexi wasn't the only one who found her mate today. I coughed to get their attention. We all laughed when they jumped away from each other. Clearly, they didn't hear us come in.

"Do you guys need to take this upstairs?"

Jared rolled his eyes at me, and I could hear the mind link come through.

'In the nicest way possible, fuck you, boss.'

I couldn't help but laugh. Lexi gave me a confused look and I just shook my head. It had been an eventful morning already and it had only been about an hour. I figured Lexi would want to talk things out with Jess, so I motioned for the guys to follow me upstairs to my office. I wrapped my arms around Lexi's waist and gave her a kiss.

"How about you and Jess catch each other up. I already had Jack put on a fresh pot of coffee for you both. We will just be up in my office. If you need anything, you can just text me, or you should be able to mind link Liam now that you have your wolf."

As soon as I started walking towards the door, Liam took my place. I saw the stunned look on Jess' face and smirked. I'm sure she was going to grill Lexi. I cleared my throat so that Liam would follow. I winked at Lexi, and I could hear Jess throwing questions at my mate. Now to find the answers to my own questions.

Fate: The Alpha King and His Unexpected MateWhere stories live. Discover now